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WatirMelon | A 93% Watir Based Blog by Alister Scott
Claims to be whitehat and that is what we see, but this blog is filled with not so whitehat gold [for a non-blackhat[er] [Ruby] [programmer]]
#whitehat #masquerading #blackhat #automation #screen #scraping #testing #automated #generate #data #blog #watir #pub
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#Watir #Selenium #IDEs #freemium #RSpec #testing #TestWise #automation #web_automation #recorders #pub
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"RWebSpec wraps the popular web testing framework WATIR with RSpec Syntax to provide better easy to read automated web test cases. By using TestWise/Watir recorder, the RWebSpec test scripts can be recorded in Firefox. TestWise, The Next-Generation Functional Testing IDE, makes editing/executing test cases with ease."
#testing #RSpec #Watir #TestWise #web_automation #Ruby #pub
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watir-nokogiri at Željko Filipin's Blog on Software and Testing
[Wikitech-l] Running Selenium tests over the speed limit with PhantomJS
Watir webdriver using PhantomJS as the driver. Benchmarking it.
Biggest issue worry from the post is that he couldn't get PhantomJS as the driver to work with more than one instance
#phantomjs #_inbox #selenium #watir #driver #automation #pub
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detro/ghostdriver · GitHub
"Ghost Driver is a pure JavaScript implementation of the WebDriver Wire Protocol for PhantomJS. It's a Remote WebDriver that uses PhantomJS as back-end.
GhostDriver is designed to be integral part of PhantomJS itself, but it's developed in isolation and progress is tracked by this Repository."
#phantomjs #automation #watir #selenium #driver #webkit #javascript #pub
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alisterscott/webdriver-user-agent · GitHub
Finally, GhostDriver 1.0.0 - blog. Ivan De Marino
Launch of GhostDriver and blog post explaining it
#phantomjs #selenium #webkit #javascript #watir #automation #webdriver #pub
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"The way to check that is is actually visible is to check a JavaScript property ‘naturalWidth’ is greater than 0. b = :firefox b.goto '' puts b.execute_script("return (typeof arguments[0].naturalWidth!=\"undefined\" && arguments[0].naturalWidth>0)", b.image(id: 'watermelon'))" _Reference for self for how to call javascript from watir. This shows you use execute_script_
#watir #webdriver #javascript #automation #tip #pub
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watir-webdriver Method, browser api list - Stack Overflow
"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts""
"It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..."
#watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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New Release of WatirMaker now WatirRecorder - Scott Hanselman
"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts""
"It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..."
#watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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WatirMaker written again in Ruby - Scott Hanselman
"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts""
"It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..."
#watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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ruby - Watir - working with CSS elements - Stack Overflow
How do you apply the CSS element to image after checking the checkbox? If you add the class attribute for highlighting, I guess checking class attribute is the simplest way.
for example
browser.image.class_name =~ /foobar/
If using style attribute, I think you might need to check HTML itself, like
browser.image.html =~ /style=\"?foobar\"?/
#tips #ruby #watir #programming #pub
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HTML Elements Supported by Watir - Watir - OpenQA Wiki
Ways Available To Identify HTML Element - Watir - OpenQA Wiki
How to find out which JavaScript events fired? - Stack Overflow
#watir #Ruby #pub
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