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"Using Visual Website Optimizer, they A/B test different versions of their website and landing pages to find out which one works best. Made for marketers, our tool is incredibly easy to use, and doesn't need IT resources." #split_testing #a/b_testing #web #development #optimization #SaaS #trial #monthly #pub
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"Background images make pages look good, but also make them slower. Each background image is an extra HTTP request. There's a fix: combine background images into a CSS sprite. But creating sprites is hard, requiring arcane knowledge and lots of trial and error. SpriteMe removes the hassles with the click of a button." #web_development #web_design #css #optimization #web_page_performance #pub
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"BE LAZY. LET A ROBOT OPTIMIZE YOUR SITE. Use our auto-optimizing Headlines & Call to Action Buttons to get the most conversions per visitor possible." "Want To Get Fewer Bounces and More Clicks? Take 5 minutes to add our auto-optimizing Call to Action buttons and Headlines to your site. Get emailed reports of how we're making it convert better for you." "WHO IS THIS FOR? Sites that would like to increase conversions without spending hundreds of hours on implementing, managing and calculating tests. WHAT IS IT? A service that will help you extract the maximum number of clicks on Call to Action Buttons (and soon) other web components like pricing tables and email signup forms. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SETUP? Minutes, as simple as getting Google Analytics working. You include one Javascript file and then replace your current Call to Action button with our HTML button snippet. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? We've previously built systems that attempted to add this functionality and it was always a huge pain for everyone involved. We wanted to solve this for ourselves and thought others might benefit as well." #SaaS #free #startups #optimization #automation #content_testing #testing #Rails #pub
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#optimization #web_development #web_tools #performance #frontend #pagespeed #SaaS #from #delicious #pub
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#SaaS #SSVentures #wordpress_extensions #cheapish #freemium #paid #sleek_designs #dev #optimization #pub
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#SSVentures #SaaS #cheapish #freemium #paid #sleek_designs #wordpress_extensions #dev #optimization #pub
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Wordpress Themes Speed Tests
Worthless. Only shows official repo theme results LULZ #SaaS #dev #free #pagespeed #optimization #analysis #wordpress_extensions #%product_hunt #free* #bad #pub
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PageSpeed Ninja
#SaaS #dev #free #pagespeed #optimization #analysis #wordpress_extensions #%product_hunt #free* #pub
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#dev #reactjs #best_of #optimization #SEO #javascript #web_apps #pub
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