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AI Code-gen with your code in mind, tailored for frontend

#dev #AI #figma #frontend

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Click on any component in the browser to open its code in your IDE.

You can use it as a browser extension or as a library.

For React, Preact, Solid, Vue and Svelte.

#dev #reactjs #svelte #vuejs #javascript #frontend #chrome_extensions

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Record play, pause, and inspect your web applications with familiar browser developer tools. Fork of Firefox. Go them! #debugging #best_of #javascript #Firefox #frontend #pub
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Why is this layout so common? I've seen this overall UI almost as much as Bootstrap #ui #ux #app #design #web #frontend #pub
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Codiqa - Plans
Saw it on HN's frontpage: "Build jQuery Mobile Apps Fast Easy drag-and-drop jQuery Mobile app building and sharing." #trial #monthly #SaaS #Jquery #wysiwyg #web #development #frontend #design #mobile #pub
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"HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100's of developers, all in one little package." #html5 #bootstrap #frontend #template #css #web_design #pub
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Deals with Html 5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap or something. Linked to from Html 5 Boilerplate site. #html5 #template #frontend #web_design #css #pub
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Path Nav
"Path Menu with just CSS I remove completly the js from the project I fork & rewrote the all Sass code. The design look almost the same (see original source). Made using Sass." #frontend #web_design #css #sexy #menu #sass #path_app #pub
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Path menu in pure CSS3
"I made the choice to do this with only html/css3 and no images whatsoever. There is 0 line of javascript. I'm aware that you can do the same with a bit of javascript to be compliant with others browsers. But, It was not my goal :)" #frontend #web_design #css #sexy #menu #sass #path_app #pub
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"CSS Piffle. No more photo editing software for web design!" "Wireframe You can create interactive wireframes with CSS Piffle easily, just by using HTML5 and CSS3. Mobile web Creating mobile web has never been easier. You can optimize and test right away. Animations Animations in CSS Piffle are really easy to create. You design and CSS Piffle does all the work for you." #frontend #web_design #frontend_development #css #wireframing #animations #mobile_web #beta #pub
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Pretty neat. "We've gone through the Bootstrap 3 documentation and tried our best to extract out all the changes into an automatic tool. These are the rules our automated upgrader takes when it modifies your HTML, but it's also a handy checklist to keep in mind if you're upgrading code manually!" #bootstrap #bootstrap3 #lists #checklists #references #web_tools #development #frontend #html #converter #pub
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#optimization #web_development #web_tools #performance #frontend #pagespeed #SaaS #from #delicious #pub
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gear Compile Everything Less, Sass, Stylus, CoffeeScript, Typescript, Jade, Haml, Slim, Markdown & Javascript. sync Auto-Refresh Browsers Refresh browsers across devices: Mac, PC, iOS, Android & kitchen fridge. Never hit command+R again. downloadcloud Bower Built-In Install 6,000+ components with a single click: Bootstrap, jQuery, Modernizr, Zurb Foundation, even WordPress. flash It Just Works There's no grunting at a command line and zero setup. Just drop your project on the app and go. #Mac #apps #web_development #frontend #paid #gui #from #delicious #pub
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favorite button - looks really nice! #$afma-v #$AFMA #dev #frontend #css #pub
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#dev #$AFMA_umbrella #Jquery #javascript #rails #ruby #data #frontend #pub
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#Jquery #javascript #frontend #tables #data #pub
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Sly #$afma-v #javascript #open_source #%on_github #frontend #Jquery #pub
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#$AFMA #price:$30 #monthly #SaaS #maybe #design #frontend #pub
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#$AFMA #research #designs #frontend #dev #lists #themes #@to_buy #@to_go_balls_deep #@to_go_through #pub
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