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Your all-in-one screen recorder, to create incredible product demos, tutorials, courses, for Mac & Windows.

#screen_recording #screencasts #dev #trial #paid #monthly

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Join the #1 founder community supporting you to ramen profitable, and beyond. An active Slack, co-working, expert AMAs, in-house mentors, masterminds & more. Used to be WeekendClub. #paid #monthly #SaaS #communities #coworking
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#afma_ideas #ads #monthly #dropshipping #ad_spying #paid #$AFMA_umbrella #SaaS #trial #ideas
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cheesy webpage
it's kinda like Vim but not really. #mac_apps #indie_af #indie_makers #price:$4 #homebrew_cask #macOS_12 #best_of #monthly #SaaS #freemium #pub
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Zapier makes it easy to sync data between web apps. #pricey #automation #startups #ifttt_esque #copy_hm #monthly #freemium #SaaS #ideas #life-hacks #ifttt #alternatives #integrations #connecting_endpoints #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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#from:DONote #from:phablet #ideas #copycopy #startups #trial #paid #monthly #pricey #SEO #keywords #rankings #data #data_driven #pub
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#SaaS #37signals #add-on #simple #monthly #charge #copy #pub
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nopenopenope's fake Facebook profile's [main] url #girls #makeup #monthly #aaS #web #2.0 #reddit #pub
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Like the more trendy or the free-ish tunneling code on Github and stuff, but this is a complete package sort of thing. In-depth and stuff. Anyhow, quoted description is, "The fast, reliable way to make localhost part of the Web. PageKite makes local websites or SSH servers publicly accessible in mere seconds, and works with any computer and any Internet connection. It's also 100% Open Source. Try it for free!" #ssh #localhost #tunnel #monthly #copy #whitehat #trial #dev #SaaS #web_servers #pub
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#beautiful #ssh #tunnel #web #development #localhost #hosting #aaS #freemium #monthly #pub
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No trial it seems and the freemium is bullshit since the free version is only on their network (aka worseless) #aaS #monthly #irc #pub
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Again, old Allakhazam site network. They have premium membership that doesn't actually give any real features, mainly like Reddit Gold. #monthly #freemium #membership #pub
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Codiqa - Plans
Saw it on HN's frontpage: "Build jQuery Mobile Apps Fast Easy drag-and-drop jQuery Mobile app building and sharing." #trial #monthly #SaaS #Jquery #wysiwyg #web #development #frontend #design #mobile #pub
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#HNer #logging #life #SaaS #monthly #beta #pub
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"Software Project Management - Git, Mercurial, Subversion & Bazaar Hosting with complete project management baked in." Basically Basecamp Classic rip/copy with version control and tickets #freemium #SaaS #version_control #project_management #basecamp #monthly #web #2.0 #trendy #pub
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"Using Visual Website Optimizer, they A/B test different versions of their website and landing pages to find out which one works best. Made for marketers, our tool is incredibly easy to use, and doesn't need IT resources." #split_testing #a/b_testing #web #development #optimization #SaaS #trial #monthly #pub
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Appointment Reminder | Pricing
"Appointment Reminder sends out customizable phone reminders, text message reminders (also called SMS reminders), and email reminders to your clients, so that they come in on time and you get paid." #SaaS #simple #pricey #steal #trial #monthly #reminder #pub
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"Accelerate your Content Marketing Intigi is a content marketing tool that builds your thought leadership and website traffic. Intigi monitors your sources…helps you curate the best articles…& streamlines sharing to social media." #SaaS #monthly #trial #api #web #social_media #content #marketing #pub
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#SaaS #monthly #trial #pricey #web #development #Software #steal #$kippt_bookmark #@error_aggregation #pub
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"Best way to build native mobile apps using HTML5 - Access native features from JavaScript - Simple dev process, no need to setup Eclipse / XCode - Cloud build service, you can even build for iOS on Windows - Update your HTML5 without re-submitting to the App Store - Real native UI components, no need to fake it" #SaaS #monthly #freemium #mobile #cross-platform #web #2.0 #javascript #html5 #native #Software #development #pub
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Plans | Parse
Save data to a cloud backend database, push notifications to users, and more #SaaS #mobile #Software #development #freemium #push #monthly #pub
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push notifications, in-app purchasing, and subscriptions for mobile apps #mobile #apps #SaaS #freemium #monthly #development #push #pub
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#SaaS #freemium #monthly #server #development #cloud #monitoring #pub
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#affiliate_marketing #tracking #SaaS #trial #monthly #pub
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"SHIP QUALITY RUBY CODE. FASTER. Hosted software metrics for Ruby apps. Get control of your technical debt today." #ruby #source_quality #SaaS #monthly #trial #free_for_open_source #source_metrics #dev #middle_priced #$AFMA_umbrella #pub
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