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"Retrieve full-text mobile-optimized JSON-encoded articles from a RSS feed" _It uses the API. Not sure how much of the app is just a wrapper of that and how much is actually legit coding_ #scraping #closed_source #simple #RSS #feeds #web_tools #pub
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"A feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan: it dominates and eats all." #ruby #open_source #scraping #feeds #automation #pub
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"Feedbag is a Ruby library for the auto-discovery of syndicated feeds (RSS/Atom)." _Give it a url and it'll try finding the feed for the site_ #gems #ruby #open_source #parsing #scraping #automation #feeds #pub
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"information from the web into useable data Turn any website into a table of data or an API in minutes without writing any code" #SaaS #scraping #pub

" Websites are full of useful data. Extracting that data is difficult. Your web browser doesn’t help. Today, you extract data by writing code. We provide tools to make extraction simple. We're in Developer Preview. We love feedback." #data_mining #web #tools #desktop_apps #beta #@to_investigate #pub
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#SaaS #paid #scraping #pub
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#APIs #free #scraping #url_based #pub
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ESPN Insider Articles Free
Posting ESPN Insider articles on a Google Adsense ridden site with almost no design. And the scraping is badly done too. But still, def something people want. Found it via a one poster, likely the site owner, posting a link to it in a related forum discussion in early 2013. Site is still up as of late 2014. -- Bottom says: "Powered by" #content_scraping #scraping #ideas #copy #SEO #bluehat #sports #fantasy_sports #paywalls #pub
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#SaaS #copycopy #ideas #scraping #web_development #pub
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#web_scraping #data_extraction #data_mining #$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #alternatives #comrades #cli #python #open_source #$AFMA_umbrella #crawling #scraping #pub
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Not sure how I got to this page. I think from some Bing search result. It is horrible writing. Too weird to be done by a cheap non-native English copywrite. Def content spinning.

And it ranked..maybe not on Google, but even ranking on Bing and having me click means some people are visiting this site.

Plus, they have two small pics of the movies near the top. So some part is scraping too.
"The latest Pixar movie, Inside Out, is creating an uproar that is similar to the one that Frozen did last year (though not as crazy which could be that this mov" #markov #content_spinning #copy #SEO #examples #blackhat #spam #ideas #work #MFA #scraping #pub
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#web_scraping #from:iOS #scraping #$kippt_bookmark #from:Pinner #freemium #SaaS #HNer #pub
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#images #scraping #organization #knowledge_bases #alternatives #GUIs #mac #screenshots #screen_captures #apps #pub
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#ideas #copycopy #scraping #SEO #dev #pub
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