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GUI for ImageMagick and Wand

#dev #GUIs #open_source #images #imagemagick

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A Visual Studio Code extension for front-end developers.

#best_of #maybe #frontend_development #dev #chrome_extensions #extensions #web_design #GUIs #advanced #nerdy

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A Git GUI that offers a visual representation of your repositories. Sourcetree is a free Git client for Windows and Mac.Atlassian's app they acquired

#git #github #GUIs #client_apps #subsidiary_apps

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‎WebSocket Client

#mac_apps #dev #proj-gh #sockets #GUIs

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#firebase #free #dev #GUIs #firestore #mac_apps
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$25/year #mac_apps #firebase #firestore #GUIs #desktop_apps_3_major_OSes #no_trial #paid #dev
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#best_ever #mac #apps #API_driven #integrations #backpackit #37signals #basecamp #GUIs #wikis #references #documentation #dev_tools #tools #pub
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Fake is a new browser for Mac OS X that makes web automation simple. Fake allows you to drag discreet browser Actions into a graphical Workflow that can be run again and again without human interaction. And Fake Workflows can be saved, reopened, and shared. #mac #apps #paid #trial #K #automation #GUIs #pub
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Your browser does not support the video tag. Visualize your Repo GitUp lets you see your entire labyrinth of branches and merges with perfect clarity. #GUIs #git #open_source #home_page #free #$kippt_bookmark #%on_github #best_of #power_users #dev #mac_apps #pub
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#postgresql #GUIs #mac #trial #paid #price:$40 #K #$iusethis #pub
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#GUIs #K #mac #paid #postgresql #price:$40 #trial #$iusethis #guides #docs #pub
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#databases #GUIs #desktop_apps #java #pub
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Git Client SmartGit
#linux #cross-platform #git #version_control #GUIs #pub
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#linux #git #version_control #GUIs #pub
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#linux #git #version_control #GUIs #pub
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#linux #cross-platform #git #version_control #GUIs #pub
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#postgresql #databases #sql #GUIs #open_source #DBA #pub
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#fogbugz #GUIs #ticket_management #dev #mac #apps #home_page #issue_tracking #pub
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#GUIs #apps #dev #fogbugz #mac #ticket_management #home_page #issue_tracking #cli #ruby #pub
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#images #scraping #organization #knowledge_bases #alternatives #GUIs #mac #screenshots #screen_captures #apps #pub
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Sikuli Project
#from:DONote #from:phablet #_add-focus #_inbox #_dump #pub

#automation #gui_automation #python #open_source #GUIs #pub
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#mac #apps #dev #network_traffic #sniffing #GUIs #paid #trial #K #sleek #pub
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"Easily access all your computers with fast and secure RDP & VNC client" #RDP #VNC #GUIs #apps #mac #pub
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Home - AutoIt
#automation #windows #selenium #watir #$AFMA #$AFMA_umbrella #backups #scripting #GUIs #pub
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LogMeIn Hamachi VPN GUI client for Linux! #best_of #open_source #hamachi #VPNs #organization #dev #GUIs #linux #pub
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