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See how to route all internet traffic through a specific device on your network.

#instructions #guides #dev #techy #tailscale #tech-networking

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Is it possible and has anyone tried using the Postgres SQL database offered by Supabase for the Strapi data source? Any tips on setting this up would be greatly appreciated.

I think it should be possible as supabase pro…

#dev #web_dev #postgresql #supabase #strapi #guides

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#best_of #discord #Zoomers #obs #references #guides
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#guides #mac_apps #tutorials #watch_apps #note_taking #courses #iOS_apps #free
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#guides #tutorials #mac_apps #calendars #watch_apps #courses #iOS_apps #work_management #free
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Price: $50 -- "Published May 2020 This second edition of the Photos Field Guide contains nearly 6 hours of video tutorials that will up your photo game on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Over the years, organizing, editing, and sharing your photos with multiple devices has come to feel like chasing a mythical white whale. Not anymore. The Photos Field Guide delivers the goods, and this video course teaches you how. This course has in-depth video, explaining how to get the most from the Photos app on the iPhone, iPad, and the Mac." #mac_apps #guides #watch_apps #tutorials #courses #iOS_apps #apple_photos #photo_management
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#Watir #web_automation #docs #references #guides #info #Ruby #code #pub
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"Watir is a great framework for automated testing web applications. It is easy to get started with Watir, but do you use effectively for testing real-world test scenarios? Such as data driving test from an Excel spreadsheet and handling pop up dialogs. Watir Recipes will show you the solution for your problems from the experts who have already solved them. All recipe test scripts (100+) are ready-to-run, i.e., I created the target web pages and test sites, so that you can simply find the recipe and run, in matter of seconds. Owning this book is like having a test automation coach sitting next to you." #Watir #web_automation #docs #references #guides #info #Ruby #code #ebooks #paid #recipes #@to_get #pub
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Watir Recipes
"Watir is a great framework for automated testing web applications. It is easy to get started with Watir, but do you use effectively for testing real-world test scenarios? Such as data driving test from an Excel spreadsheet and handling pop up dialogs. Watir Recipes will show you the solution for your problems from the experts who have already solved them. All recipe test scripts (100+) are ready-to-run, i.e., I created the target web pages and test sites, so that you can simply find the recipe and run, in matter of seconds. Owning this book is like having a test automation coach sitting next to you." #Watir #code #info #guides #recipes #references #web_automation #ebooks #paid #Ruby #docs #@to_get #pub
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ShipRise Media
#ebooks #books #Ruby #web_development #development #tutorials #guides #paid #free #freemium #ecommerce #Rails #pub
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I wrote this book in three months while simultaneously attempting seventeen other missions, including running a startup, launching a hit iPhone app, learning to write 3,000 new Chinese words, training to attempt a four-hour marathon from scratch, learning to skateboard, helping build a successful cognitive testing website, being best man at two weddings, increasing my bench press by sixty pounds, reading twenty books, going skydiving, helping to start the Human Hacker House, learning to throw knives, dropping my 5K time by five minutes, and learning to lucid dream. I planned to do all this while sleeping eight hours a night, sending 1,000 emails, hanging out with a hundred people, going on ten dates, buying groceries, cooking, cleaning, and trying to raise my average happiness from 6.3 to 7.3 out of 10. How? By hacking my motivation. #paid #motivation #guides #ebooks #pub
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#Soylent #diy #tutorials #guides #nutrition #food #meal_replacements #pub
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#Ruby #docs #guides #references #examples #code #pub
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For replacing optical drive with another hard drive on Macbook Pro. So there will be a new SSD and current HDD. #macbook #diy #errands #guides #pub
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For replacing optical drive with another hard drive on Macbook Pro. So there will be a new SSD and current HDD. #macbook #diy #errands #guides #pub
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For replacing optical drive with another hard drive on Macbook Pro. So there will be a new SSD and current HDD. #macbook #diy #errands #guides #pub
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Might be useful to look at if I ever end up using the old Att 3G usb card that uses full size SIMs #work #android #USB #tethering #setup #guides #att #mobile_internet #pub
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