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See how to route all internet traffic through a specific device on your network.

#instructions #guides #dev #techy #tailscale #tech-networking

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#ideas #copy #duplicate_content #automated #simple #mac #apps #Instructions #guides #pub
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#GUIs #self-hosted #varnish #dev #SSVentures #Instructions #pub
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NoIP Fraud instructions #cloakers #tutorials #installer #Instructions #pub
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#dev #$project_2018_ecommerce #wordpress #nginx #sysadmin #Instructions #pub
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#%on_github #alexa #alexa_skills #best_of #geeky #google_assistant #javascript #nodejs #serverless #Instructions #pub
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#best_of #wordpress #dev #tutorials #Instructions #Hooks #woocommerce #admin_section #pub
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#nomie #quantified_self #%on_github #Instructions #alexa_skills #hackers #bookmarked_on_site #pub
Show More #%on_github #Instructions #alexa_skills #hackers #bots #assistants #bookmarked_on_site #pub
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WP DEBUG « WordPress Codex
#dev #wordpress #debugging #_mass_bookmarking #references #Instructions #pub
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#dev #wordpress #debugging #_mass_bookmarking #Instructions #references #pub
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Apple Health
#quantified_self #exporting #data #apple_health #Instructions #pub
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Damn 1PW is BEAST this way! #best_of #Instructions #security #2_factor_authentication #pub
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iTunes on MacOS 10.14 1. Use AppDelete to delete iTunes 2. Download 12.6.5 3. Open the dmg file, use Pacifist to open Install iTunes.pkg and install iTunes 4. If you have opened iTunes 12.9, replace iTunes Library.itl with the last saved version from Previous iTunes Libraries 5. Enjoy iTunes with AppStore! You will need to first disable SIP, then sudo rm -rf (the 12.9 version), and then finally extract (only) from the 12.6 installer. AppDelete alone is not sufficient to remove iTunes. #iOS #Instructions #hacking #pub

there were other advantages of remaining on iTunes 12.6 which is that you could always 'downgrade' an app if you didn't like an updated version. Did... #code #applescript #dev #Instructions #pub
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#mac #vim #keyboard_shortcuts #beta #apps #best_of #Instructions #pub
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