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NocoDB Cloud

Free during beta. Doesn't do formulas yet

#spreadsheets #SaaS #databases #airtable_alternatives #free*

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Free for 5K row, $10/mo for 100K rows and 3 year history

#alternatives #databases #open_source #airtable_alternatives #SaaS #freemium #spreadsheets

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free for 10K rows, $10/9 Euro for 50K rows

#alternatives #SaaS #cheap #databases #airtable_alternatives #freemium #spreadsheets

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generous free tier and pricey when paid

#pricey #postgresql #airtable_alternatives #databases #alternatives #freemium #SaaS #spreadsheets #dev

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#Cloud #airtable_alternatives #databases #alternatives #SaaS #freemium #dev

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"Connect your database.

Get an admin panel.

Basedash is an AI-generated interface to visualize, edit, and explore your data."

#Cloud #airtable_alternatives #databases #alternatives #SaaS #freemium #admin_section #dev

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#firestore #best_of #databases #freemium #alternatives #SaaS #dev

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#alternatives #freemium #open_source #airtable_alternatives #SaaS #databases

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"Navigate your data with AI

View, edit, query and visualize all of your data in one powerful and easy-to-use tool."

#startups #data #ai #databases #best_of #freemium #dev

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Turso is SQLite for production: great developer experience and efficiency with essential quality of life improvements for modern applications. Cool idea being SQLite of all things

#dev #sqlite #libsql #freemium #cloud_hosting #hosting #databases_as_a_service #dbaas #serverless #databases

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#dev #freemium #DaaS #aaS #databases #platform-agnostic

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Neon brings serverless architecture to Postgres, which allows us to offer you flexible usage and volume-based plans.

#best_of #serverless #postgres #databases_as_a_service #DaaS #databases #dev #cranked_sites

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Deploy enterprise-ready PostgreSQL on your choice of platform and infrastructure with commercial support from Crunchy Data.

#aaS #DaaS #SaaS #freemium #databases #hosting #cloud_hosting #postgres

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Your database should be easy to use, not a source of frustration. Xata easily integrates into your developer workflow, providing the best data experience for GitHub, Vercel and Netlify based deployments.

#postgresql #SaaS #freemium #alternatives #databases #dev #best_of #cloud

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Creativerly's database
Creativerly's database contains every single tool, resource, and article that got shared within the newsletter, convenient browsable through a dedicated database. #links #best_of #databases #lists #pub
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#databases #Data #scrape #pub
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"Prevent database access from the view. Force loading all data from the controller by raising when the database is accessed from the view. This can help create effective database queries and help avoid SQL N+1 problems." #Rails #gems #performance #databases #database_queries #@to_use #pub
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#search_engines #demos #open_source #Ruby #gems #data #databases #pub
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"Ransack is a rewrite of MetaSearch created by Ernie Miller and maintained by Ryan Bigg, Jon Atack and a great group of contributors. While it supports many of the same features as MetaSearch, its underlying implementation differs greatly from MetaSearch, and backwards compatibility is not a design goal. Ransack enables the creation of both simple and advanced search forms against your application's models (demo source code here). If you're looking for something that simplifies query generation at the model or controller layer, you're probably not looking for Ransack (or MetaSearch, for that matter). Try Squeel instead." #search_engines #demos #open_source #Ruby #gems #data #databases #pub
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