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free for 10K rows, $10/9 Euro for 50K rows

#alternatives #SaaS #cheap #databases #airtable_alternatives #freemium #spreadsheets

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Only $25/mo for "everything". It's probably largely junk, but will see

#cheap #open_source

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Therapy | Therapada
Therapada a marketplace for therapists from around the world. therapists from india. It’s 3 intros for $25. Then $30 per session #therapy #cheap #cheap_finds #mental_health #paid #trials #toread
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Price:$8/year #time_management #calendars #@@ArS #@@KrB #google_calendars #cheap #SaaS #freemium #apple_ecosystem_only
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IEX Cloud is a financial data infrastructure platform that connects developers and financial data creators. #via:pins #cheap #Saas #trial #paid #fintech #finance_industry #financial_data #dev #API_driven #APIs #best_of
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★ The EASIEST way to quickly Minimize ALL open windows & apps, with JUST one click! ★ Use the built-in Status Bar icon (launching at start up), click "Minimize all Windows / Apps" and there you go. Features : ✔ Ultra-intuitive, easy-to-use interface. ✔ Just one click needed. #shitty #mac #app #store #rip #off #cheap #single #basic #function #pub
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All this guy does is create shitty mac app store apps then sells them for a few bucks max (usually a dollar). Currently has around a dozen apps! #store #cheap #off #rip #single #shitty #basic #app #function #mac #software #developer #unique #blackhat #pub
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Another shitty single function rip off app. Improve your vocabulary! Get a new word displayed in your menu bar every day. Click the menu to see the word definition, synonyms, and a usage example. Click again on the word to hear an audio sample of how the word is pronounced! All words are kindly supplied with permission by The Free Dictionary ( #store #cheap #off #rip #single #shitty #basic #app #function #mac #pub
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Functional Insight | App Developers
Four shitty apps made by this dude #cheap #unique #app #off #software #developer #function #single #shitty #basic #rip #blackhat #store #mac #pub
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"This website is dedicated for running websites and services on low end dedicated servers/virtual private servers, where you only need to pay a few dollars a month to get full root access." #web #hosting #cheap #deal #vps #server #pub
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Donate at least $1 and get access to ssh #blackhat #proxy #cheap #pub
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- Full SSH, SFTP access - Ability to run long-running processes such as Rails, Django, etc - Ability to run any software that runs on PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl or Java with MySql, Postgresql or sqlite - 600GB bandwidth/month, 256MB memory - "This is the actual memory available to your long-running processes (for instance, your Rails or Django processes). Unlike on a VPS, the memory used by the operating system, the main web server and the database servers doesn't count towards your memory usage" Just $9.50 paid monthly or $8.50 by year. #hosting #deal #cheap #web #development #web_development #pub
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#captcha #captcha_solving #cheap #$kippt_bookmark_lists #APIs #SaaS #automated #dev #integrations #paid #services #web_automation #pub
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#captcha #captcha_solvers #captcha_solving #cheap #service #API #pub
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Not freemium, but you get one dyno for $3/month. So not too bad. They also host open_sourced projects for free #PaaS #nodejs #trial #cheap #monthly #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #vps #hosting #cheap #pub
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1/4 the price of Linode #from:Windows_Phone #cheap #vps #servers #pub
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Another "premium file host downloaders" aggregating some sites. This one aggregates 20 sites (and Youtube lol), but the good part about it seems that it allows one day ($2) or 2 week access ($6) versus traditional 1 month ($9). Seems as shady as any other ones, lol. #file_hosting #paid #unique_spin #downloaders #cheap #aggregators #pub
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Media Storage | StreamNation
"StreamNation is cloud media center for all your photos, home videos, movies and TV shows" #@to_check_out #SaaS #cheap #cloud #freemium #media #organization #torrents #pub
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Gemini Tracker | Countersoft
"Gemini empowers your team to Plan, Track, Service and Test every task, feature, change request, story, ticket, bug report and more." #SaaS #monthly #cheap #hosted #self-hosted #project_management #not_interested #pub
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