Public Notes
Hazel Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides
Price: $50 -- "Last Update - April 2021 with all new Content for Hazel version 5
The Hazel Video Field Guide is a two-and-a-half hour video screencast that teaches you everything you need to know about Hazel, one of the best tools available to automate using your Mac. You can start the screencast without knowing a thing about it and by the end of the screenccast you'll be using Hazel to automate everything from filing your bills to having your Mac play some of your favorite music as you arrive home. There is a lot you can do with Hazel and this screencast explains it all including:"
#screencasts #courses #tutorials #mac_apps #paid #year:2021 #month:april
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Drafts Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides
#guides #mac_apps #tutorials #watch_apps #note_taking #courses #iOS_apps #free
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Fantastical Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides
#guides #tutorials #mac_apps #calendars #watch_apps #courses #iOS_apps #work_management #free
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Photos Field Guide (2nd Edition) | MacSparky Field Guides
Price: $50 -- "Published May 2020
This second edition of the Photos Field Guide contains nearly 6 hours of video tutorials that will up your photo game on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Over the years, organizing, editing, and sharing your photos with multiple devices has come to feel like chasing a mythical white whale. Not anymore. The Photos Field Guide delivers the goods, and this video course teaches you how. This course has in-depth video, explaining how to get the most from the Photos app on the iPhone, iPad, and the Mac."
#mac_apps #guides #watch_apps #tutorials #courses #iOS_apps #apple_photos #photo_management
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OmniFocus Field Guide, Third Edition | MacSparky Field Guides
Price: $50 -- "Version 3.0, September 2018
The OmniFocus Field Guide is a video course that takes you, soup to nuts, through the Omni Group's supremely bad-ass task manager. This screencast can turn an OmniFocus novice into a task-managing ninja.
This course includes 69 videos totaling over 5 hours of content."
#mac_apps #omnifocus #watch_apps #tutorials #task_management #courses #iOS_apps
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DEVONthink Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides
Learn to get the most from the powerful A.I. driven database application for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
#courses #devonthink #price:$45 #pub
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The Saylor Foundation
" is a free and open collection of college level courses. There are no registrations or fees required to take our courses, and you will earn a certificate upon completion of each course. Because we are not accredited, you will not earn a college degree or diploma"
_Uses readily available material like YouTube videos, online tutorials, Khan Academy, etc. No deadlines, etc, structured/paced to go on your own._
_The community is incredibly sparse. Forums bare."
#tutorial #college_education #courses #education #online #pub
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Computer Science « The Saylor Foundation
" is a free and open collection of college level courses. There are no registrations or fees required to take our courses, and you will earn a certificate upon completion of each course. Because we are not accredited, you will not earn a college degree or diploma" _Uses readily available material like YouTube videos, online tutorials, Khan Academy, etc. No deadlines, etc, structured/paced to go on your own._ _The community is incredibly sparse. Forums bare."
#education #tutorial #college_education #courses #online #computer_science #pub
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Courses | Instinct
Learn guitar with their interactive web app. Use real guitar + mic.
#music #guitar #courses #tutorials #beginner #interaction #pub
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Javascript Training from Gaslight
"Backbone and Ember
Picking a client side MVC framework isn't easy, and seeing a trivial Todo app just doesn't show how much these frameworks bring to the table. In this workshop, we'll dive into two popular frameworks: Backbone.js and Ember.
We'll cover the features of each framework and dig in with code examples and labs that give you a solid understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each. After completing this workshop, you should be armed to the teeth with the knowledge you need to pick the best framework for your next rich client web app."
#paid #monthly #javascript #backbone #ember #courses #videos #lectures #price:$100 #web_development #pub
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#MOOCs #courses #online_courses #testimonials #pub
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The Power of a Focused Life by Shawn Blanc — Living without regret in the age of distraction.
again, keep forgetting the tag for look_up_to/inspired_by, etc
_Another Shawn Blanc thing_
_$250 normally. $125 if emailed to desk@ with subject _Student Discount on The Focus Course_. Regardless pricey of course, lol.And 30 day refund_guarantee money_back_guarantee_
Apparently it is just a course that is done via username/password. Not sure how it'll work out downloading everything or if it even works like that. Vs logging in and working that way.
#role_models #inspired_by #courses #maybe #paid #money_back_guarantee #toread #pub
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Ehhh. The Slack comment asking about it linked to it and the snippet said "Get 1-on-1 mentor sessions, join an agile team project and be ready to switch careers into web development or launch your own idea". Which is barely the case. It is is just any old bootcamp thing but online only. Lol. Lame.
Main thing is Firehose Core for $4000 ($900/5 weeks). Described as "Finish the Firehose Intro strong, get accepted into the Firehose Core and accelerate your real world coding skills from 20 MPH to 120 MPH. You build advanced web applications, create complex algorithms, use Test Driven Development and work on a group project, all while being under the wing of a world-class mentor.". The 2 weeks free is of Firehose Intro described as "Firehose Intro Get 2 weeks of free access to our preparation code and go from 0 MPH to 20 MPH. Launch your own website, write Ruby code and solve coding challenges that screen out the majority of programmers before the first job interview. Get your code reviewed by our mentor team and start working on your coding fundamentals."
#dev #ruby #javascript #test_driven_development #courses #online_courses #pricey #trial #freemium #bootcamps #pub
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