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"Your AI life coach that helps you do what you need to today, to become who you want to be tomorrow"

#free #web_apps #mobile_apps

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#SaaS #best_of #web_apps #freemium #mobile_apps #personal_CRMs
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Playbook is a step-by-step app for growing your money and optimizing taxes so you can live the life you want sooner. — Paceline offering 50% off for life at $9/mo. Vs normal $19/mo #via:pins #personal_finance #when_upper_middle_class #when_solid_middle_class #future #SaaS #startups #deals #mobile_apps
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#podcasts #iOS_apps #android_apps #mobile_apps #startups #BASB #second_brain #podcast_apps #alternatives #pub
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Home Page Steady Your Income Home Page Steady Your Income Home Page Steady Your Income #mobile_only_apps #beer_money #mobile_apps #direct_offers #swagbucks_alternatives #pub
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Pushover: Home
Made by a Hacker News member. He just charges the initial cost of the app, under $5 as a one-time fee and then everything else is free [for now]. As long as you don't abuse, he lets you freely use API and/or use as many pushes as you want. You can pay the $5 for other people via application. Guessing this gives it like normal, so it'll be for whatever platform. #growl #syncing #push #mobile #iOS #android #notifications #hacker #news #member #$kippt_bookmark_lists #push_notifications #apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #APIs #API_driven #ecosystems #SaaS #pub
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#$kippt_bookmark #apps #app_stores #mobile_apps #SaaS #freemium #data_driven #ideas #copy_biggie #analytics #trends #iOS #android #startups #mobile_market_intelligence #pub
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My​Shoebox - unlimited free photo backup you can access from your computer or phone. Available for Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android. _Only does JPEG and PNG. 20MB image file size limit_ ### Price - Free Plan: "Currently the free resolution is 1024 pixels on the longest side" "Includes 30 day trial of Pro" - Pro Plan: $5/month: The 20MB limit. #photos #backups #storage #SaaS #aaS #startups #desktop_apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #freemium #simple #ideas #images #sexy_layouts #web_2.0 #trial #monthly #pub
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Not sure why this wasn't included in the first mood tracking list. It should be better for how long it's been around. It hasn't really changed feature-wise in 3-4 years now. #data #moods #happiness #iOS #android #web_apps #logging #tracking #quantified_self #SaaS #mobile_apps #diary #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #freemium #best_of #pub
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"Picture counts are based on the file size of an average 5 megapixel JPEG image. RAW and PSD files are much larger and images imported from social networks like Facebook are much smaller. Your actual usage may vary." ### Prices Free: 5 GB Premium: $7 per Month, 100 GB Premium Plus: $15 per Month, 300 GB #photos #backups #storage #SaaS #aaS #startups #desktop_apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #freemium #simple #ideas #images #sexy_layouts #web_2.0 #monthly #pub
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"Xyo re-imagines how people discover apps and games" "Today’s smartphone owners are not fully aware of what types of apps and games exist. Xyo’s unique user experience offers them more choice than elsewhere by allowing them to browse through hundreds of app and game interests shared by millions of fellow users that were previously hidden in the long-tail. With just one click our “Apps for Me” feature taps into your Facebook profile to provide you with a list of app recommendations based on your real life interests. It’s the equivalent of a waiter magically guessing your favorite foods and drinks. We do “Apps for Me” not only for you, but also for your entire Facebook network. The outcome is search results that include the app interests of your friends. On the Xyo platform, you can view the app interests of your closest friends and send them personalized app recommendations based on those interests." "As our internet usage shifts towards mobile, app stores are becoming the focal point of content discovery. Yet, today most users only find apps from the top shelf – in app stores 10% of apps get 90% of downloads. App stores in their current state do not enable users to find the apps they want and are not aware of users’ situational and social context. Their future has to be re-invented in order for us to take full advantage of our phones, tablets, TVs and other appliances. Since August 2012...Xyo is around. Xyo backed by investors including...Flaregames CEO Klaas Kersting" #search_engines #ideas #copycopy #startups #web_2.0 #metro_designs #sleek_designs #apps #mobile_apps #stats #pub
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"FBReader is a multi-platform e-book reader. Free for use, sources are available under the GPL. FBReader supports popular e-book formats like ePub, fb2, mobi, html, plain text, and a lot of other formats. FBReader provides access to popular network libraries that contain a large set of e-books. Download books for free or for a fee. Add your own catalog. FBReader is highly customizable. Choose colors, fonts, page turning animations, etc. to make reading as convenient as you want." #desktop_apps #cross-platform #mobile_apps #Software #ebooks #readers #open_source #free_as_in_speech #pub
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Fanium Fantasy Football
"MOBILE TEAM MANAGEMENTDraft players, make trades, sign free agents, and set your line-up from the convenience of your phone. LIVE SCORING AND COMMENTARYWe ensure that you never miss a beat by providing live, curated commentary about the players on your roster. COMPETE WITH YOUR FRIENDSWith Fanium's easy league creation, you can leverage social media to invite friends and start drafting in no time." #mobile_apps #iOS #Android #startups #@Bharat #fantasy_sports #alternatives #mobile_only #interesting #pub
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"Beer Recommendations Tap into your tastes! Pintley uses your ratings and taste notes to recommend beers you’ll love. Our personalized recommendations help you find the perfect beer for you. Free Beer Tastings Try something new! We host hundreds of free beer tastings across the country each month. Find a local beer event in your city, bring your friends, and make new ones! Mobile Apps & More Use our mobile apps to pick the perfect beer when you’re out at a bar or in the liquor store. Track and share what you’re drinking, and keep tabs on favorites." #$alcohol_apps #$alcohol_social_apps #beers #bars #discovery #mobile_apps #web_apps #web_2.0 #social_networks #suggestions #niche #bootstrap_layout #reviews #pub
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"Discover the most popular local bars and beers wherever you go Share your beer reviews and photos with your friends Personalized beer suggestions help find your new favorite brew" #reviews #social_networks #$alcohol_apps #web_apps #niche #bars #$alcohol_social_apps #suggestions #discovery #beers #mobile_apps #web_2.0 #pub
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"RateBeer is widely recognized as the most accurate and *most-visited source for beer information. RateBeer is an independent world site for craft beer enthusiasts and is dedicated to serving the entire craft beer community through beer education, promotion and outreach. Since May 2000, RateBeer has remained an active forum for beer lovers to come together and share opinions of beers, and beer retailers in a free environment." "Free Basic Membership Basic Membership is absolutely free and allows you to rate beers, places and post to the forums." #social_networks #reviews #filtering #bars #suggestions #mobile_apps #$alcohol_apps #web_apps #niche #freemium #$alcohol_social_apps #discovery #beers #pub
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"Keeping a diary has never been so easy… With Momento in your pocket you can write your diary ‘on the go’, capturing moments whenever you find the time. A beautiful interface coupled with powerful tagging, makes it quick and easy to write about your day and browse moments from your past. Archive years of your online life in minutes Connect Momento with social networks, web services and apps to automatically fill your diary with your statuses, check-ins, photos, videos, activities and more. A fast, effective and effortless way to record and remember your life." "- Tweets from Twitter - Facebook Statuses - Facebook Check-ins - RSS/Atom Feeds - Flickr Photos - Instagram Photos - Foursquare Check-ins - Moves Activity & Places - Loved Tracks - YouTube Videos - Vimeo Videos" "Essential features - Tag people you meet - Tag places you visit - Tag memorable events - Create custom tags - Rate moments - Reminders - Attach photos - Fully searchable - Passcode protection - Landscape support - Backup & restore - Export data - Multiple feed accounts - Quick day navigation - Browsable links" #iOS #iPhone #mobile_apps #aggregation #journals #tracking #quantified_self #pub
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_Owned by Coupons.com_ "Features: • Lists: Build grocery lists quickly from our database of millions of items. • Aisles: Create custom aisles and reorder aisles for any list. • Favorites: Easily add frequently purchased items to new lists, search and filter favorites to build lists quickly. • History: Keep track of what you've checked out and filter history by list. Easily create lists from history items. • Multi-Barcode Scan: Add multiple items by simply pointing your camera at any product barcodes. • Voice Search: Use advanced voice search to create your list. • All List Items: Never forget an item again by viewing all items in "All List Items". Toggle your lists settings to view "All List Items" on any list you choose. • Store Locator: Find nearby grocery stores and add your loyalty card. • Sync: Sync your lists with the website, friends and family. • Coupons: Search free coupons, view recommended coupons, print, email or add coupons to your store loyalty card. • Item Details: Add price and description, customize package types, weight, quantity and more. " #ideas #subsidiary_sites #mobile_apps #coupons #free #Android #in-depth #groceries #web_apps #copycopy #shopping #iOS #feature_rich #lists #pub
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" (, Inc.) is a privately held company founded in 1998[1] in Mountain View, CA. Steven Boal is the founder and CEO of Coupons, Inc. offers digital coupons, including online printable, social, mobile and loyalty card promotions …In June 2011, after receiving approximately $200 million of new investment, its value was estimated at a billion dollars.[3] In October 2011, Greylock Partners announced an investment of up to $30 million in a secondary market purchase of company shares." _Again, value estimate near/around $1B…$1 billion dollar_ #coupons #big_sites #startups #deals #web_apps #mobile_apps #empires #pub
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Pivot of Techstars people. From a BusyFlow/Flowdock/Hojoki sort of activity notifications web and mobile app to this more business-y app #aggregation #APIs #quantified_self #SaaS #data #iOS #mobile_apps #statistics #pub
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Encouraging life improvements through games and slickness #goals #habits #mobile_apps #productivity_fun #motivation #mobile_2.0 #iOS #Android #windows_phone #pub
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#dating #online_dating #social_dynamics #unique_spin #freemium #gamification #in_app_purchases #web_2.0 #social_media #$kippt_bookmark #mobile_apps #android #iOS #pub
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