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Max Klein
Hacker News profile at Says multiple apps he has make more than $1K a month #developer #development #inspiration #multiple #apps #iOS #app #store #prolific #hacker #money #slinging #pub
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Pushover: Home
Made by a Hacker News member. He just charges the initial cost of the app, under $5 as a one-time fee and then everything else is free [for now]. As long as you don't abuse, he lets you freely use API and/or use as many pushes as you want. You can pay the $5 for other people via application. Guessing this gives it like normal, so it'll be for whatever platform. #growl #syncing #push #mobile #iOS #android #notifications #hacker #news #member #$kippt_bookmark_lists #push_notifications #apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #APIs #API_driven #ecosystems #SaaS #pub
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Simple site made by a Hacker News user I assume. Bootstrap themed, automated, linkbait. #linkbait #whitehat #hacker #shipping #automated #database #driven #movies #directory #pub
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