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"Beer Recommendations Tap into your tastes! Pintley uses your ratings and taste notes to recommend beers you’ll love. Our personalized recommendations help you find the perfect beer for you. Free Beer Tastings Try something new! We host hundreds of free beer tastings across the country each month. Find a local beer event in your city, bring your friends, and make new ones! Mobile Apps & More Use our mobile apps to pick the perfect beer when you’re out at a bar or in the liquor store. Track and share what you’re drinking, and keep tabs on favorites." #$alcohol_apps #$alcohol_social_apps #beers #bars #discovery #mobile_apps #web_apps #web_2.0 #social_networks #suggestions #niche #bootstrap_layout #reviews #pub
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"Discover the most popular local bars and beers wherever you go Share your beer reviews and photos with your friends Personalized beer suggestions help find your new favorite brew" #reviews #social_networks #$alcohol_apps #web_apps #niche #bars #$alcohol_social_apps #suggestions #discovery #beers #mobile_apps #web_2.0 #pub
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"RateBeer is widely recognized as the most accurate and *most-visited source for beer information. RateBeer is an independent world site for craft beer enthusiasts and is dedicated to serving the entire craft beer community through beer education, promotion and outreach. Since May 2000, RateBeer has remained an active forum for beer lovers to come together and share opinions of beers, and beer retailers in a free environment." "Free Basic Membership Basic Membership is absolutely free and allows you to rate beers, places and post to the forums." #social_networks #reviews #filtering #bars #suggestions #mobile_apps #$alcohol_apps #web_apps #niche #freemium #$alcohol_social_apps #discovery #beers #pub
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"BeerAdvocate (BA) is a global, grassroots network, powered by an independent community of beer enthusiasts and industry professionals who are dedicated to supporting and promoting beer. Based in Boston, BA was founded in 1996 by the Alström Brothers, Jason & Todd, who provide the site as a free resource to ... Wake the masses to better beer options. Give beer consumers a voice. Empower them to learn, share, and advocate. Rally to support the beer industry. Put the Respect back into Beer. BA remains solely owned and operated by the Bros, who in addition to providing this online resource publish BeerAdvocate magazine (the only monthly beer magazine of its kind), and organize several Beer Fests and events throughout the year." #social_networks #reviews #bars #suggestions #print #$alcohol_apps #web_apps #print_magazines #niche #magazines #$alcohol_social_apps #discovery #beers #pub
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"Welcome to Cloudlist! Cloudlist is a brand new way to explore, manage and share cloud-based applications with others. " #lists #web_2.0 #SaaS #startups #sites #web_apps #suggestions #pub
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"An API into your person could be quick and useful. Nothing sensitive need be contained, just something that could list out your social accounts (all of them), tell me where you're currently located, where you've been, etc. It would be cool to expose some dynamic data like calculated age, latest blog/social media post, or other non-private data. So, I made one. You can access my personal API at /api. It's got everything listed above, plus a little extra about my usual languages and frameworks. It supports JSONP with an optional callback parameter (/api?calback=foo). No keys required, possible uses for an API like this (especially if others implement something similar) include: dynamically calculated ages for operators of a 'personal API' statistics on languages and frameworks graphing operating locations dynamically display latest blog posts operating a repository of users' associated social accounts ?" #geeky #@to_do #APIs #quantified_self #personal_APIs #@to_check_out #interesting #suggestions #lists #pub
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"Personable Personable is a personal API service that everybody can use. Inspired by Joshua Beckman's Personal API(, I wanted to put something together that everybody could have, quickly and easily, and without too much headache. Personable is written in Python/Django, Angular and Bootstrap." #python #geeky #javascript #@to_do #APIs #quantified_self #personal_APIs #@to_check_out #Django #interesting #open_source #suggestions #pub
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