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A Visual Studio Code extension for front-end developers.

#best_of #maybe #frontend_development #dev #chrome_extensions #extensions #web_design #GUIs #advanced #nerdy

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"Tinderbox is a personal content assistant that helps you visualize, analyze, and share your notes." #knowledge_bases #geeky #organization #productivity_procrastination #productivity #productivity_apps #advanced #hardcore #Mac #apps #pricey #price:$250 #pub
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Possibly does what New Relic does. Not sure about that. Def I think does what Datadog does. #monitoring #metrics #alerts #charts #open_source #%on_github #in-depth #advanced #go_lang #ruby #free #self-hosted #alternatives #best_of #pub
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Introducing another tag - might_be_outdated. Not sure if the comment which is five years old would still be correct. However it would prob be easy to figure out how to do it in 2017 with Watir 6/Webdriver .9.X. #bookmarked_on_site #$AFMA #dev #%stack_overflow #watir #monkey_patching #advanced #reference #might_be_outdated #basics #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #bookmarked_on_site #%stack_overflow #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #%quora #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #pub
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#year:2015 #advanced #javascript #dev #screencasts #asynchronous #OOP #closures #scopes #pub
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This didn't help that much. Was a bit much to grok on its own. #spreadsheets #formulas #advanced #pub
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For being a whole blog/site related to sheets, this was also not a very strong practical post. #spreadsheets #formulas #advanced #pub
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Blog posts going over spreadsheet stuff. I do want to do some charts and data analysis on the numbers if things hopefully improve :/ #spreadsheets #advanced #references #blogs #lists #pub
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This really helped practically speaking. Groked how to use arrayformula and apply it quickly #best_of #spreadsheets #formulas #advanced #pub
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Detailed walkthroughs on advanced React and Redux concepts - Authentication, Testing, Middlewares, HOC's, and Deployment #javascript #tutorials #research #redux #screencasts #advanced #react #dev #bookmarked_on_site #paid #pub
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