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Another Pingdom alternative

Aff/referral program: - 50 cents per free sign-up, 20% of user's lifetime payment. Pretty good #monitoring #SaaS #uptime #sysadmin #webadmin #$IT_management #APIs #copycopy #alternatives #affiliate_programs #alerts #pinging #ideas #freemium #affiliate_marketing #pingdom #push_notifications #pub
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PagerDuty provides alerting, on-call scheduling, escalation policies and incident tracking to increase uptime of your apps, servers, websites and databases. Their pricing and features have gotten a lot better recently. They were far too pricey and keeping features for only the higher thresholds before. #devops #startups #alerts #organization #YC_funded #monitoring #paid #SaaS #trial #dev #$IT_management #industry_bigs #incident_management #$AFMA #@to_use #research #push #escalation #on_call #$kippt_bookmark_lists #middle_priced #pub
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Uptime Robot
Heavy weight in industry for some time has been Pingdom. They might still be. They seem to be all paid now. #alerts #APIs #pinging #copycopy #monitoring #alternatives #freemium #SaaS #$IT_management #ideas #uptime_monitoring #pingdom #affiliate_marketing #pub
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_Not freemium anymore it seems...they were acquired at some point._

With website monitoring from Pingdom you will be the first to know when your website is down. No installation required. 30-day free trial. #SaaS #APIs #industry_bigs #subsidiary_site #copycopy #trial #alternatives #alerts #pinging #ideas #monitoring #$IT_management #acquired #uptime_monitoring #paid #pingdom #sysadmin #uptime #webadmin #push_notifications #pub
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Hourly rate. But for me, I'd need 24/7. $150 a month for their 90 day data retention ain't bad. $75/month for 3 day retention (not enough unless i'm exporting everything and having it set up somewhere else as well) #dev #$AFMA_umbrella #pricing #pages #SaaS #monitoring #error_tracking #Error_handling #alerts #devops #sysadmin #pub
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#new_relic #alternatives #monitoring #SaaS #dev #sysadmin #devops #alerts #error_tracking #Error_handling #enterprisey #$AFMA_umbrella #pub
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"Get mention alerts from Reddit Twitter Tumblr Hacker News Product Hunt " | "Dont Miss Anything Get alerts when someone mentions your name, brand or domain via Email, Slack or Webhook Processing Power We monitor your brand We match your campaign phrases against all the comments and posts from: Statistics included Statistics Included We provide you with graphics & stats about who is talking about you. Identify loyal customers." #ideas #copycopy #copy_coding #copy_middling #freemium #API_driven #automation #data_driven #SaaS #social_media #tech_oriented #twitter #reddit #product_hunt #hacker_news #tumblr #monthly #alerts #monitoring #statistics #charts #pub
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#dev #alerts #incident_management #SaaS #trial #paid #@to_use #pub
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Well, they seem to allow Windows XP and if I get it via the Github Student Pack, I get 10 systems for free for a certain amount of time. And the free isn't so bad either. 5 hosts so I'd need two accounts. Possibly 1 Datadog free and 1 iStat Menu for Macs and newer Windows OSes. There's 5 Windows XP computers running right now, 1 Vista. #monitoring #servers #freemium #trial #dev #devops #sysadmin #$AFMA #@to_use #alerts #charts #paid #student_pricing #app_monitoring #beer_money #$IT_management #windows #windows_xp #cross-platform #pub
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Possibly does what New Relic does. Not sure about that. Def I think does what Datadog does. #monitoring #metrics #alerts #charts #open_source #%on_github #in-depth #advanced #go_lang #ruby #free #self-hosted #alternatives #best_of #pub
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#performance_monitoring #app_monitoring #SaaS #freemium #pricey #data_analytics #data_collection #data_driven #charts #analytics #public_companies #tech_companies #startups #dev #cross-language #server_monitoring #data_visualization #servers #sysadmin #monitoring #alternatives #unique_spin #$IT_management #industry_bigs #ballers #$AFMA_umbrella #error_tracking #devops #Error_handling #alerts #pub
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#alternatives #monitoring #devops #sysadmin #SaaS #dev #trial #paid #metrics #charts #alerts #pub
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#@@Soma #alerts #stocks #notifications #frugal #beer_money #pub
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#@@Soma #alerts #stocks #notifications #frugal #beer_money #pub
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Weak free service. Only one product alert. Walmart, Target, a few others. #@@Soma #alerts #beer_money #frugal #notifications #stocks #SaaS #freemium #pub
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#SSVentures #free #open_source #python #alternatives #metrics #pingdom #pinging #sysadmin #uptime #webadmin #%on_github #self-hosted #Django #alerts #push_notifications #pub
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