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Simple NodeJs Reverse Proxy for a React App and its API Backend 2021-Q3,$curr_projects,best_of,tutorials,dev,javascript,authentication,APIs,expressjs,
How to integrate a React app with an API back-end without messing everything up. A simple implementation of a reverse proxy with NodeJs to serve a React App and offer an API gateway. The easiest configuration for a simple React web app is to serve front-end resources from the same #APIs #$curr_projects #best_of #javascript #expressjs #might_be_out_of_scope #dev #not_sure #tutorials #authentication #2021-Q3 #reactjs #toread #pub
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#2021-Q3 #$curr_projects #deece_of #tutorials #basics #dev #javascript #authentication #APIs #reactjs #$proj-o #learning #expressjs #tidbits #toread #pub
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Read Me · Rekit
"Rekit is a toolkit for building scalable web applications with React, Redux and React-router. It's an all-in-one solution for creating modern React apps." -- "It's production-ready but not a starter kit. Zero additional configuration needed after creating an app. Dedicated IDE for Rekit development. Command line tools to manage actions, reducers, components and pages. Bootstrapped by create-react-app, all your knowledge about it still works. Use Webpack 3 for bundling. Use Babel for ES2015(ES6)+ support. Use React hot loader for hot module replacement. Use Redux for application state management. Use React-router for routing and it's configured with Redux reducer. Use Webpack dll plugin to improve dev-time build performance. Use Less or Sass as CSS transpilers. Use jest, enzyme for testing. Support Redux dev tools." #cli #%on_github #IDEs #redux #create_react_app #reactjs #open_source #dev #pub
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