Public Notes
Syncs projects and tasks between Redmine ( and Things (
#ruby #fun #project #cli #things #redmine #task #management #pr0n #a #sync #pub
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A web interface to Things, [Not actively maintained].
My take: Three years since last update.
#ruby #things #sync #web #code #fun #project #a #cli #pr0n #pub
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AppleScript: Export logbook to iCal calendar - Things Wiki
This script exorts the logbook to an iCal Calendar for archiving purposes. You can specify the calendar you want to use by editing the following line in the script:
set calendarName to "Things Logbook"
#things #a #sync #project #management #pr0n #ical #calendar #applescript #pub
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AppleScript: Tidying up Things' Logbook - Things Wiki
This AppleScript lets you tidy up Things’ Logbook while preserving your logged to‑do entries for posterity. If the Logbook is large, this can speed up Things’ performance.
The script exports Logbook entries older than a specified time range (defaulting to 2 weeks, but configurable in the script) to a CSV file (in v1.3) or tab-delimited text file (in v1.2), and moves the archived to‑dos from the Logbook to the Trash within Things.
#applescript #things #pr0n #a #sync #project #management #pub
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AppleScript: Export selected projects to a file - Things Wiki
This Script exports all selected projects including their tasks to a text file. The output looks like this:
1. Task1
2. Task2
3. etc...
#applescript #things #a #sync #project #code #pr0n #management #pub
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Importing due dates and multiple to-dos into a certain area of Things - Things Wiki
Read from a file with a specific format. Code is hosted at
After every date read, the script will add multiple to-dos using that date as the due date for each to-do, until an empty line is read. After the empty line you may add another date with more to-dos and another empty line etc.
#things #a #sync #project #pr0n #code #applescript #management #pub
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Simple Ruby script to sync Basecamp and Things to-dos. — Gist
States it's buggy and not complete. There have been a few forks, should check those out.
#things #code #ruby #a #sync #project #management #pr0n #pub
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Category Archives: things - The Joy of Appscript
Seems to have some good content on my productivity pr0n'ing out.
#things #a #sync #project #productivity #pr0n #management #blog #pub
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Some ruby to parse the Things Database.xml file.
A script to parse the Things Database.xml file and list the tasks for a particular project
#things #a #sync #project #ruby #xml #pr0n #code #management #pub
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things-redmine is a ruby script to attempt to sync Redmine with the desktop todo list manager. Author says it's very basic.
#code #redmine #things #a #sync #project #pr0n #management #ruby #pub
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things-rb is a Ruby library and a command line tool for accessing the backend of the GTD app
_My Take:_ This is definitely the most laid out and feature complete code thus far. Actually has documentation
#code #ruby #gtd #things #cli #a #sync #project #pr0n #productivity #pub
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Simple Ruby script to sync Basecamp and Things to-dos. — Gist
Seems to combine two of the scripts/gists that are already around to work with both products.
Sadly, it uses app script to put things back into Things.
#things #pr0n #productivity #a #sync #project #code #ruby #management #pub
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One of two gists to deal with the new Things Cloud Beta. All shell scripts.
#shell #cli #things #code #pr0n #productivity #management #a #sync #project #pub
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Even this relatively new script is using appscript. I guess people just aren't thinking about 10.8 yet.
#pivotal #tracker #things #ruby #pr0n #a #sync #project #management #productivity #pub
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Things to Things Migration — Gist
Convert Things database to Things Beta database. Advanced applescript. Has functions.
#pr0n #applescript #things #code #a #sync #project #productivity #management #pub
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Hubot script: Basecamp Todos — Gist
# Basecamp todos
# Reports a count of the person's outstanding todo items per todo list.
#campfire #basecamp #a #sync #project #pr0n #management #code #ruby #pub
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Basecamp API lib; Rails 3 compatible — Gist
Only gist that seems to be related to Basecamp and Rails 3. This is also the script that seems to be used by other syncing scripts.
#code #ruby #rails #basecamp #a #sync #project #management #pr0n #pub
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Convert Basecamp tasks to Github issues — Gist
Just something that may be interesting to grok.
#ruby #code #a #sync #project #management #pr0n #github #pub
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Getting Things Done on webOS with Basecamp and Backpack | webOS Nation
Relates how Outline Tracker works with Basecamp. A bit too short and vague though.
#outlinetracker #basecamp #sync #management #productivity #touchpad #app #pr0n #pub
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Post commit allows you to notify several services with a simple and elegant DSL. Five services are supported for now: Basecamp, Campfire, FriendFeed, LightHouse and Twitter. Also can send to any other [arbitrary] url that accepts the POST data even if you need to be authenticated
#interesting #development #commit #sync #post #dsl #push #code #github #opensource #api #ruby #gem #pub
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Currently indexes most of the default OS X home folders and root applications folder as well as Google Drive/Docs and Gmail. Looks cute and the potential is great.
#czarrar #sync #index #data #mining #app #pub
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Agile Tortoise | Drafts, the quick way to capture and share ideas
"Drafts is the quick, easy way to capture and share ideas on your iPhone or iPod Touch. In Drafts, text comes first – open the app and you always get a new, blank draft. Don't get bogged down in a timeline just to tweet or post to Facebook. Don't tap your way through multiple screens to get down an email or SMS. Don't navigate folders, create files and name them just to jot down a note or create a todo…"Extensive output" __No crack available yet it seems__
#iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #thehitlist #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #pub
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Notebooks | About
iOS app is decent price around $5 and no crack seems to be available. __From the site: With its unique combination, Notebooks can replace several dedicated apps:__ (1) Note Taker, (2) Text Processor, (3) Markdown Composer, (4) Task Manager, (5) File Storage, (6) Clipboard Manager, (7) PDF Converter
#iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #plain #text #pub
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37Signal's Backpack App for Mac
#abandonware #free #backpack #mac #app #desktop #sync #online #37signals #productivity #pr0n #pub
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Don't let distance keep you from watching your favorite shows with your favorite people. Huluwithme keeps your video in sync across multiple computers, so you can chat and watch together.
#Hulu #realtime #video #sync #web #2.0 #geeky #interesting #free #app #pub
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