魔法少女異譚 - 異譚46 partner in crime --- Magical Girl Different Tales - Different Tales 46 partner in crime
炎は瞬く間に花々を燃やし、壁一面を融解させ、こぼれ出た不死の脳を焼き尽くす。最早原型など残らない程に、最早それが何だったのか分からない程に、全ての判別が出来なくなるまで燃やし尽くす。The flames burn flowers in the blink of an eye, melt walls, and consume immortal brains that spill out. It burns down to the point where nothing remains of the prototype, or until you can't even tell what it was anymore, until you can't make any distinctions.
入って来た途端に鼻孔をくすぐった蜜の甘い香りは、ヴルトゥームの幻惑の権能を運んでいたのだ。The sweet scent of honey that tickled her nostrils as soon as she entered carried Vultum's dazzling authority.
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