They're all on the cosmology and Tier 2/1 Blogs.
The Material Plane is infinite in size which contains an infinite number of alternate universes
The Abyss which contains an infinite number of realms with different space-times
The part about Divine Levels isn't correct so to say. Gruumsh nearly beat Corellon despite being 3 Divine Levels lower. It's more about Sphere vs Multi-Sphere Gods
The LoP never fought Orcus, it was a scene in Dead Gods where the PC's see this vision, but the narration states "The Lady of Pain can't be beaten in a simple brawl". Meaning that Orcus with the Last Words still cannot defeat or kill her. If you mean the Greater God stuff then its just Orcus saying a word and killing them
Vecna resisting the Lady of Pain comes from Die Vecna Die
The resistance thing comes from Zeus and Hera, where Zeus can block Hera's precog. Though like with Gruumsh it should be noted that its not an auto-bypass or anything, it just more likely than not that a stronger God can get through the resistances of weaker Gods.
Bambu can explain it better, but from my understanding
A singular outerplane is equal in size to the entire Material Plane. The Material Plane contains an infinite number of alternate universes. Later editons also note that there's canonically alternate timestreams but no one really scales to that aspect.
The various Greater Gods can effect or notably threaten not just the Material Plane but the entire Cosmology of D&D.
Notable patheons like the Greeks were noted as being much stronger than single franchise patheons like the FR or Greyhawk Patheons
Orcus with the Last Word could kill any Greater God with that power and could only be stopped if a large cross pantheon effort of various Greater Gods. Despite this he would not be able to beat the Lady of Pain
Vecna with a powerful 10th or 11th level spell became a infinitely ascending Greater God with something like 50+ levels over other GG like Zeus or Odin but was still not able to overpower the Lady of Pain
She scales to be above baseline 2-As by some hefty degrees without going into Low 1-C.
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