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App Store 上的“Posture Pal - 提升体态”
阅读评论、比较用户评分、查看截屏并进一步了解“Posture Pal - 提升体态”。在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上下载“Posture Pal - 提升体态”,尽享 App 丰富功能。
#ios #app #posture #airpod #pub
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Posture Pal - Improve Stance
Posture Pal helps you improve your neck and shoulder posture by using the motion sensors in your headphones. Improve your neck, shoulder and back posture without having to purchase a separate tracking device. Just use your AirPods*.
Start a Posture Session and Posture Pal will keep track if your ne…
#posture #stance #ios #watch #app #pub
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