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Crabviz - Visual Studio Marketplace
Extension for Visual Studio Code - interactive call graph generator

#vscode #lsp #visualization #graph #code

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#bigscreen #visualization #template #vue

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Free, simple, and intuitive online database design tool and SQL generator. - drawdb-io/drawdb

#database #schema #diagram #editor #visualization

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An interactive introduction to Charlie Munger's timeless lessons in life, learning, and decision-making.

#reading #ebook #interactive #visualization

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CSS Grid is an incredibly powerful tool for building layouts on the web, but like all powerful tools, there's a significant learning curve. In this tutorial, we'll build a mental model for how CSS Grid works and how we can use it effectively. I'll share the biggest 💡 lightbulb moments I've had in my own learning journey.

#css #grid #tutorial #learning #interactive #visualization

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#programming #language #visualization #education #child #interactive #tutorial #course

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Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad. - cxli233/FriendsDontLetFriends: Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.

#data #visualization #graph #chart

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#speaker #shopping #art #visualization

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Write programs you can talk to. Contribute to symphony-hq/symphony development by creating an account on GitHub.

#ai #programming #interactive #chat #visualization

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Push the limits of data visulization on the platform purpose-built to dive deep and turn your most complex data into actionable insights. #data #visualization #dataset #source
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🥣 AIGC 提示词可视化编辑器. Contribute to Moonvy/OpenPromptStudio development by creating an account on GitHub. #prompt #editor #visualization #analytics #midjourney #ai
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通过带有 HistoryMaps 的交互式 3D 地图、时间轴、图像和视频直观地学习历史。 使用交互式地图和时间轴了解事情发生的地点和时间。 美丽的图像和视频使它变得更好。 #history #map #visualization #reading
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Highly customizable library for building an interactive node-based UI, workflow editor, flow chart or static diagram - wbkd/react-flow: Highly customizable library for building an interactive node-based UI, workflow editor, flow chart or static diagram #react #library #graph #diagram #node #visualization #interactive
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Visualize Complex Ideas Programmatically. Contribute to motion-canvas/motion-canvas development by creating an account on GitHub. #visualization #animation #editor #javascript #typescript #library #interactive
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