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Component Party
Web component JS frameworks overview by their syntax and features: Svelte 4, React, Vue 3, Angular, Lit, Vue 2, Ember Octane, Solid.js, Alpine, Svelte 5 (preview), Ember Polaris (preview), Mithril, Aurelia 2, Qwik, Marko, Aurelia 1

#javascript #framework #collection #cheatsheet #comparison #react #svelte #vue #solidjs #learning

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Qurrent | AI
Qurrent develops custom built autonomous agent solutions for enterprises, leveraging its proprietary AI agent framework.

#ai #llm #agent #framework

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A Progressive React Framework for modern web development.

#react #framework #spa #csr

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#go #rtsp #framework #streaming #flv

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Real RestAPI library for Django enforcing you not to use a Framework inside a Framework - Bishwas-py/djapy: Real RestAPI library for Django enforcing you not to use a Framework inside a Framework

#django #api #framework #extension

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The router for easy microfrontends. Contribute to single-spa/single-spa development by creating an account on GitHub.

#microfrontend #javascript #framework #isolation

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Spectrum CSS
The CSS implementation of Adobe's Spectrum design system

#css #framework #adobe #design-system

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Nue is a simple React, Next.js, Vite, and Astro alternative focusing on minimalism, separation of concerns, and semantic web design.

#javascript #ui #framework #web

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The Telegram Bot Framework. Contribute to grammyjs/grammY development by creating an account on GitHub. #telegram #bot #framework #javascript
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