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Where the hell did you learnt all of these? If you know how countably infinite works then you're aware that adding 1 to infinity or infinite+1 would still results the same cardinality, infinite+1 is infinity, infinite+infinite is infinity, even infinite*infinite is still baseline infinity, because bijection (one to one correspondence) exist, that you can biject the set of naturals or N (infinite) to the set of integers or Z (infinite+infinite), like: N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... infinity Z = 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5, 5.... infinity Thus, they have the same size. You can even biject infinite to infinite*infinite, or N to Q (the set of rationals) with Cantor's diagonal argument, because you need exponentiation and power set in order to reach higher infinity. So there's no such thing as aleph x+1 via your definition, at least. In order to see aleph-2 as nothing but fiction, you need aleph-3, which will correspond to 2D and 3D.
I don't really understand the question but lemme get this clear, aleph-1 is Low 1-A and aleph-n (or aleph-infinite/aleph-omega, preferably) is 1-A+. If I'm not mistaken with your question, you're saying that aleph-1 is Low 1-A and aleph-2 is 1-A+, so on. But that's not how it works, I'll explain this in layman's terms, that higher aleph numbers would transcended the lower numbers on the entirety like higher and lower dimensional difference or say, all levels transcendence, at least that's how higher infinities works in this site (this site seems used continuum hypothesis as true, it is the hypothesis which asserted that aleph-1 = 1 dimension). Aleph-0 is the smallest infinity aka 0D, aleph-1 is 1D, aleph-2 is 2D, and so on until aleph-n which is infinite D. So by using the topology of dimensions as the elements it would be: Aleph-0 is High 1-B or infinite dimensions, aleph-1 is Low 1-A, and so on until aleph-n which is 1-A+.
First of all, this is the very first time that I heard "aleph 2+1", I believe such thing doesn't exist or either way you're literally refering to aleph 3 just like how the dimensions of 3+1 (like 3 dimensions of space being intertwined with 1 dimension of time) is 4D. And... that's not how it works, because said logic can also be applied to dimensional space that you can't reach higher dimension just by stacking infinities, since higher dimensional space (in comparison to lower dimensional space) isn't just infinitely larger, it is uncountably infinitely larger because the set of real numbers (with the notation of R) which presented as the line of 1 dimension (1 dimension is a length, 2 dimensions are length and width) is uncountable, and aleph-1 is the first uncountably infinite. Aleph-1 = 1 dimension (assuming that the continuum hypothesis is true), so saying that aleph-2 is 1-A+ is just like saying that the next level of reality transcendence of 1-A or say, 2x 1-A is equal to 1-A+. It doesn't make any sense, as there is no story that aleph-2 > 3 dimensions mathematically-wise, 1 dimension can only be larger or equal to aleph-1.


This is wrong, for reference. The gaps in size between the levels of the Tiering System aren't inherently about "More real vs less real," so much as they're about there being an uncountably infinite difference in power (For a very informal definition of the term, of course) between Level X and Level Y, and we just so happen to equate ontological differences to that, as a lowball. For a very extreme example showing why that needn't be the case, consider a space with uncountably infinite dimensions (Or with a cardinality larger than aleph-1, same difference): This space would obviously be Low 1-A or higher, and yet there is absolutely nothing that distinguishes it from ordinary 3-D space in terms of ontology (Because math doesn't deal with that). It's obviously not really any more "real" than the 3-D space is, just really, really, really, really, really big compared to it. Anyway, this particularly bothersome thing left aside: I'll say I'm neutral with regards to whether or not "the space beyond" is Low 1-C. As I've expressed to some of the thread's participants off-site, I think this largely depends on whether we consider inherently finite visual representations (In this case, a universe being mistaken for a star when seen from the space beyond it) to mean anything when it comes to infinitely large objects and spaces. Although I will say that being finitely, or more generally, countably, larger than a 2-A space is not a thing, no, unless the verse makes clear that such a thing is possible, in which case we're obviously forced to roll with it. As a default, though, we don't do that.


普通、天使というのは私が創造した時点から成長するということはない。なぜなら初めから完成形だからだ。そのことに疑問を持つ天使もいない。だが、セラスは元々の精神を残した影響か、休みたい欲求と私への反骨心で性能を『大天使』レベルまで引き上げていた。Angels don't usually grow from the moment I create them. Because it's perfect from the beginning. No angel doubts that. However, perhaps due to the influence of his original spirit, Seras had raised his performance to the level of an 'Archangel' due to his desire to rest and his rebellious heart towards me.


Ku ◯ When God said so and held his hand over me, light overflowed from my surroundings, and at the same time, my vision was filled with that light, and at the same time, I didn't need sleep for the first time in about 5 billion years. I felt like I was losing consciousness.



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Mindfulness is about trying to stay in the moment, to focus on what's happening now. The goal is to bring more awareness or enjoyment of your daily life, instead of getting lost in thought all the time or losing control to your emotions. Some simple examples: When petting your cat, pet the cat-- focus on the enjoyment of their soft fur and their cute purring. Notice their feeling of their skin, muscles and bones under the fur-- get curious. Notice how they close their eyes and move their little nose. Notice how you feel in the moment. Acknowledge those feelings. When eating breakfast, are you focusing on enjoying the breakfast or are you staring at your phone instead (like I am now)? This can be partially salient when eating other meals. Are you just snarfing down the whole meal, or are you taking the time to enjoy the flavor, texture and sensation of every bite? Can you focus on any of the subtle flavors? Can you identify the ingredients that might have changed the flavors? All of this should bring more enjoyment to your meal. When driving down the street, did you notice another driver who pissed you off? Are you feeling angry? Acknowledge that feeling-- acknowledgment will give you more control over your anger and will help you to recognize what's happening. If you can, "step out" of your anger and examine it-- what made you angry? How does it feel? It's okay to be angry-- anger is part of the human condition. But you want to be in control of your anger. Recognizing how you feel at any moment is the essence of mindfulness. When brushing your teeth, brush your teeth instead of getting lost in thought. Notice each tooth and gum, and clean each one. Are any parts particularly sensitive? Perhaps clean them a bit more for the next several bushings. The point here: do one thing at a time. Focus. In terms of mental health, mindfulness a strategy to try to enjoy what's happening now. It's a strategy to avoid obsessing over events that have already happened that we cannot change, or worrying too much over events in the future that have not happened yet. This worrying can replay over and over in your mind and can interfere with what you are doing now. We can learn from the past, but we can't go back to change it. We cannot change the future yet, but we can when it becomes "now". These obsessive states can feel like a dream. During one these obsessive states, we will "wake up"-- at that point you can intentionally make a decision to acknowledge, without guilt or shame, that you were perseverating and instead return your focus on whatever is happening now-- this is the essence of "mindfulness". As someone who suffers from major anxiety, this perseverating can occur for days at a time, or even weeks or years. It means that I might have missed out on many wonderful events that are happening around me now. I might spend so much time preparing and over preparing for the future that I miss out on things now, like my kids or the meal that I'm enjoying now. Mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation, as well as anxiety meds have helped me with this anxiety.


「消すのも面倒だから」"Because it's troublesome to erase"
アリス、絨毯とクッション。あとテーブル」"Alice, rugs and cushions. And a table." 「分かった」  アリスを中心に、全員が座れるほどの絨毯を生成する。その上にクッションとローテーブルを用意する。Create a carpet large enough for everyone to sit on, centering on Alice. Prepare a cushion and a low table on it.


They're all on the cosmology and Tier 2/1 Blogs. The Material Plane is infinite in size which contains an infinite number of alternate universes The Abyss which contains an infinite number of realms with different space-times The part about Divine Levels isn't correct so to say. Gruumsh nearly beat Corellon despite being 3 Divine Levels lower. It's more about Sphere vs Multi-Sphere Gods The LoP never fought Orcus, it was a scene in Dead Gods where the PC's see this vision, but the narration states "The Lady of Pain can't be beaten in a simple brawl". Meaning that Orcus with the Last Words still cannot defeat or kill her. If you mean the Greater God stuff then its just Orcus saying a word and killing them Vecna resisting the Lady of Pain comes from Die Vecna Die The resistance thing comes from Zeus and Hera, where Zeus can block Hera's precog. Though like with Gruumsh it should be noted that its not an auto-bypass or anything, it just more likely than not that a stronger God can get through the resistances of weaker Gods.
Bambu can explain it better, but from my understanding A singular outerplane is equal in size to the entire Material Plane. The Material Plane contains an infinite number of alternate universes. Later editons also note that there's canonically alternate timestreams but no one really scales to that aspect. The various Greater Gods can effect or notably threaten not just the Material Plane but the entire Cosmology of D&D. Notable patheons like the Greeks were noted as being much stronger than single franchise patheons like the FR or Greyhawk Patheons Orcus with the Last Word could kill any Greater God with that power and could only be stopped if a large cross pantheon effort of various Greater Gods. Despite this he would not be able to beat the Lady of Pain Vecna with a powerful 10th or 11th level spell became a infinitely ascending Greater God with something like 50+ levels over other GG like Zeus or Odin but was still not able to overpower the Lady of Pain She scales to be above baseline 2-As by some hefty degrees without going into Low 1-C.
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