The best example is, us 3D beings, are capable to move around 3-dimensional axes (or 3D space in layman's terms), back-forth left-right up-down. Immeasurable speed on a very similar case, opens a new line of dimension to be explored; the time dimension. Which means them who can walk in the temporal dimension like in spatial dimension is qualified, them who can walk in a higher temporal dimension (say, 2D time) is qualified, despite being bounded to the spacetime themselves.
「わはは発光はおいらの趣味だ。 “宮古野 究”はそういう設定の天災児でね、下敷き1枚から核爆弾だって作れる」"Wahaha, luminescence is one of my hobbies. ``Kyuu Miyakono'' is a natural disaster child with such a setting, and can even make a nuclear bomb from a sheet of underlay."
「……それはアニメの話でしょう?」"... that's an anime story, right?"
「カフカ症候群はモデルとなった対象の特徴をコピーするんだよ、第一症例がモデルと同じ末期癌で亡くなったように」"Kafka Syndrome copies the characteristics of the model subject, just as the first case died of the same terminal cancer as the model."
「カフカ症候群を発症すると、もともとの人格……これをAとしよう。 それとは別にモデルに沿った人格Bが発現するんだ。 “おいら”もB人格が表に出てる」"When Kafka Syndrome develops, the original personality... Let's call this A. Separately from that, a personality B that follows the model emerges. "I" also has a B personality."
"According to himself, 'When I woke up in the morning, I was in this form.' Not just his appearance, but his blood type, DNA, and even the cancer symptoms that were the cause of his death were completely recreated."
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Beyonders downgrade | VS Battles Wiki Forum
Think of it like this; Characters A have 30 displays, 5 or even 10 of them are at a limited speed, some others imply Immensurable speed with the rest not contradicting that. Character B has 5 displays, 2 of them are along characters A displaying a limited speed. The first step is to recognize the cases in which characters A showed having a limited speed, we may later judge they lack Immensurable in general after further evaluations, or not. You act like the way to do things is that they have to be downgraded or nothing else happens, which is not a thing, powerful characters can be inconsistent to a point where other characters scaling isn't an outlier for them but a low display for the powerful characters.
SHINZA IS BACK!!!!! | Page 4 | VS Battles Wiki Forum
Black and White, Blue and Red, Light and Darkness, Obverse and Reverse. Every single conceiveable, Dualistic, conflicting, rivalring phenomena, concepts, that exist within this world, all without exception existed here. Flowing, in continous change, a Great Mandala in the shape of a designed pattern, changing in a kaleidoscope like form while continuing to revolve. Infinite colours overflowed, and nevertheless, there was not a single independent thing here. They all have an enemy (furigana: couple), that always certain, under the auspices of the absolute Law. Quite like a microcosm of their universe. An embodiment of the world of Dualism, woven in textile of trascendent scope.
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Firstly the colors are not normal. A rainbow would be the best way to describe it, but it isn't just 7 colors but dozens or more of colors all mysteriously divided and intertwined. Moreover the shape itself felt like it ignores the laws of physics, these various geometric block messily while orderly overlapping, making it impossible to decipher this structure. A three-dimensional puzzle, as if an entomologist genius constructed it in a nonsensical way according to the laws of another dimension. In other words having something to do with the coordinate where there is a fatal disconnect with intellect and reason at the extreme height of mystery. Whether this is a good or bad thing, our scale or weighing in our concepts cannot define it as it would be meaningless, therefore simply "I don't know." Thus, I could intuit that this unidentifiable figure was converted for us. The evidence is that it is the shape of a human head, a geometrical body thought to be a mineral expands and contracts as if it's breathing where kaleidoscopic colors form holes when it blinks, it looked like an eye that gaze which I remember.
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魔法少女異譚 - 異譚46 partner in crime --- Magical Girl Different Tales - Different Tales 46 partner in crime
炎は瞬く間に花々を燃やし、壁一面を融解させ、こぼれ出た不死の脳を焼き尽くす。最早原型など残らない程に、最早それが何だったのか分からない程に、全ての判別が出来なくなるまで燃やし尽くす。The flames burn flowers in the blink of an eye, melt walls, and consume immortal brains that spill out. It burns down to the point where nothing remains of the prototype, or until you can't even tell what it was anymore, until you can't make any distinctions.
入って来た途端に鼻孔をくすぐった蜜の甘い香りは、ヴルトゥームの幻惑の権能を運んでいたのだ。The sweet scent of honey that tickled her nostrils as soon as she entered carried Vultum's dazzling authority.
what browser do u recommend? : browsers
Edge and Ope
On Linux. I use both Brave and Librewolf, with Brave being my less privacy related browser. I take Librewolf and harden it further in about:config (not too much to be done though, Librewolf is pretty good OOTB). I then add many quality of life and privacy related addons. Ublock is installed by default. I add NoScript, Chameleon, Alter, Decentraleyes and all my web facing applications have to go through a firejail sandbox. I also use MullvadVPN for when I need my ISP to stay out of my business. I do a lot of similar stuff with Brave, but their brave:flags are not nearly as customizable as about:config. Brave does work better than Librewolf for apps like Jitsi and ChatGPT for some reason. Some apps straight up won’t work with Librewolf. If I know I’ll only need text I end up just using Links terminal browser with searx search engine. No JavaScript, No CSS, just pure raw data.
ノクターンノベルズ || 閲覧履歴
Aristocrat's First Night ~Will TS Reincarnated Daughter Accept Her Husband Under Family Surveillance~
This is Harau's first night.
The family always attends the first night of the person who will become the head of the family. It was for sex education.
Parents watch over their children so that they do not make mistakes, and siblings learn by watching their older brothers and sisters' actions up close. Parents can easily teach, and younger siblings can learn the etiquette of their time. Kill two birds with one stone. It's a reasonable decision. …for anyone other than us.
That was sex education in this country.
I want to beat the guy who came up with the idea.
Top 10 Strongest Characters for Every Tier Continuation | Page 42 | VS Battles Wiki Forum
There are as many universes as transfinite numbers, with each universe being a single text containing its own fundamental principles. The chain of theorems (And by extension, of universes corresponding to them) is then said to be capable of being further enumerated by the Von Neuman Ordinals, with this sequence eventually reaching up to the countably infinite ordinal numbers, such as ω, and then further still, into the extreme heights of the hierarchy of large cardinals. And even further after that, everything devolves into arbitrary nonsense, implying the number of universes is so big it reaches the inconsistency of 0=1, since spacetime has been fragmented so badly that "everything follows," even things like a sentence and its negation being true at once.
Then there is SRE which is infinite layers above that..
Dimensions in SRE are present, at first there were 20 billion of dimensions, then an infinite number, and at the end the concept of dimensions no longer mattered, because the Giant Corps of Knowledge were like a flower planted on the hands of Bramin. And if any whale from hyper-dimensionality moves finiteness, they will be destroyed regardless of their dimensions (there was an infinite hierarchy of dimensions, where at the very bottom is a dimensionless space, and then hyper-dimensionality and super-mega-dimensionality and so on to infinity).
Also, Alpha Centauri and Baphomet are Hypergiant Knowledge Corps that are simply at different levels of the logic/intelligence/law/whatever hierarchy. Given that the number of hierarchies is 0=1, the further hierarchy of Hypergiant Knowledge Corps or other transcendent beings is huge.
That is, the list should be as follows
1 Self Reference ENGINE
2 Creatures dwelling in stories surpassing the SRE story(it's hard to say who here, given that there are all possible and impossible stories, which leads to another infinite chain of possibilities and impossibilities, so any beings can exist in them, thus creating a hypothetical hierarchy of beings/histories, as there will always be a story that surpasses another story)
3 Demon at the top of the Demon Ladder
4 Demon Laplace who began his ascent
5. Transcendent beings inhabiting the Ladders of Hierarchy (Giant Corps of Knowledge, Hypergiant Corps of Knowledge, various Transcendent beings at the top of the Ladder of Hierarchy)
Things that tend to happen to beautiful girls (males) trapped in VRMMO - Chapter 54 The Instigator
"But there was only one problem with Blue Earth. Humans who turned into mental data did not die, but they could not leave descendants. Sotaro Yashima, the creator of Blue Earth, solved that problem. For that reason, I was doing research to 'create humans' from mental data."
Spirit data, which could not leave offspring, was an imperfect existence as a living organism. In order to realize his ideal world, Sotaro was trying to create a new life form that he desired.
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Cyril Wearing a Dirty Mist (Revised) - Swollen Belly --- Cyril Wearing a Dirty Mist (Revised) - Swollen Belly
Dennis and Talos are working tirelessly, sparing no time to sleep, to take over the base abandoned by the sole god Ahiel in the other world of Hermina.
The souls of the dead may not sleep, but it is the same thing when you say that you spare no effort.
As confusing as it is, there is no idiom to describe the activities of the dead.
Cyril Wearing a Dirty Mist (Revised) - Be defiant and light
The insects that Hermina follows are materials of darkness.
Naturally, the base color is black.
not iridescent.
Cyril Wearing a Dirty Mist (New) - Stronger than I thought
"Current situation. No one can see or touch Tak-kun. He's weak and can't even cause a poltergeist by himself. ghost (ghost )is"
Men of reddit, would you date a woman who refuses to have sex until marriage, why or why not? : AskReddit
My mother was 18 ! They proceeded to make each other miserable for many decades until my dad died.
Akashic Records Upgrade | VS Battles Wiki Forum
魔法少女異譚 - 異譚43 古代的魔法少女形態
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