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There are as many universes as transfinite numbers, with each universe being a single text containing its own fundamental principles. The chain of theorems (And by extension, of universes corresponding to them) is then said to be capable of being further enumerated by the Von Neuman Ordinals, with this sequence eventually reaching up to the countably infinite ordinal numbers, such as ω, and then further still, into the extreme heights of the hierarchy of large cardinals. And even further after that, everything devolves into arbitrary nonsense, implying the number of universes is so big it reaches the inconsistency of 0=1, since spacetime has been fragmented so badly that "everything follows," even things like a sentence and its negation being true at once. Then there is SRE which is infinite layers above that..
Dimensions in SRE are present, at first there were 20 billion of dimensions, then an infinite number, and at the end the concept of dimensions no longer mattered, because the Giant Corps of Knowledge were like a flower planted on the hands of Bramin. And if any whale from hyper-dimensionality moves finiteness, they will be destroyed regardless of their dimensions (there was an infinite hierarchy of dimensions, where at the very bottom is a dimensionless space, and then hyper-dimensionality and super-mega-dimensionality and so on to infinity). Also, Alpha Centauri and Baphomet are Hypergiant Knowledge Corps that are simply at different levels of the logic/intelligence/law/whatever hierarchy. Given that the number of hierarchies is 0=1, the further hierarchy of Hypergiant Knowledge Corps or other transcendent beings is huge. That is, the list should be as follows 1 Self Reference ENGINE 2 Creatures dwelling in stories surpassing the SRE story(it's hard to say who here, given that there are all possible and impossible stories, which leads to another infinite chain of possibilities and impossibilities, so any beings can exist in them, thus creating a hypothetical hierarchy of beings/histories, as there will always be a story that surpasses another story) 3 Demon at the top of the Demon Ladder 4 Demon Laplace who began his ascent 5. Transcendent beings inhabiting the Ladders of Hierarchy (Giant Corps of Knowledge, Hypergiant Corps of Knowledge, various Transcendent beings at the top of the Ladder of Hierarchy)