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Starting a blog can help you connect to new audiences, generate recurring inbound traffic, and promote any products and services while building your brand.

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Compared to other social media platforms, TikTok can feel like there’s some magic at work. A cool dance, a funny phrase, a new song—any of these can turn from obscure to mega-viral overnight, in ways that are hard to predict but delightful to watch.

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The future of ecommerce is incredibly bright. But, learning how to start an ecommerce business is intimidating. It requires hard work and demands many steps and decisions that need to come together at the right time.

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Offering potential customers complete, accurate, and meaningful information about your local business at the exact moment they’re searching for services or products that you sell can lead to more traffic and sales, both in-store and online.

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A YouTube stuntman buries himself alive for 24 hours in a box stuffed with provisions—and a camera. On IGTV, a globally revered musician hosts an intimate concert. A gamer on Twitch streams a battle royale to thousands from her bedroom.

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Some 80% of brands run an affiliate program to reach new customers, reportedly devoting over 10% of their marketing budgets to affiliate marketing. An $8.

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Few industries are more vital than food. Tastes may change from person to person, but one thing’s for certain: everyone needs to eat.  The astronomically high volume of food lovers means there are a lot of potential customers.

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Every online store wants to increase traffic and conversions. But even after you’ve put together a basic strategy it can still be challenging to decide which marketing tactics you should try.

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Reaching and connecting with a global audience through your business is the ultimate mark of success.

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Tech commentators love to declare—with seemingly great confidence—that email is on its last legs. But we’re willing to wager one look at your inbox is enough to prove “you’ve (still) got mail.”

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Smart SEO apps.shopify.com

Want to rank high in the SERPs? With Smart SEO, you can automate the daunting SEO tasks, improve rankings, drive more organic traffic, and boost sales. Generate meta tags Meta Tags (meta title and meta description) are important information, which search engines read and understand.

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Drive more traffic to your e-commerce website with Schema App. On average, our customers report up to 30% more clicks and conversions. This means more sales and profit for you!

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Snippets for SEO apps.shopify.com

This app is not currently available on the Shopify App Store. If you have support questions, contact Orbis Labs directly.

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Schema Plus for SEO apps.shopify.com

Developed by former Google senior software engineers, SchemaPlus is the most advanced automatic schema app in the world, with more features and more web elements indexed than other SEO or Schema apps. SchemaPlus increases the visibility of your site for the search engines.

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High performance search engine optimization is built on keyword research, and your keyword research is only as good as your process. Talk to many online store owners, however, and you’ll often find that keyword research feels like the most mystifying part of the entire campaign.

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Keyword research is the most important aspect of your SEO strategy. It creates the foundation for everything else you do. The goal of keyword research is to unearth opportunities to generate traffic based on what your potential customers actually search for online.

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If you're new to the world of ecommerce or online marketing in general, you've likely heard about search engine optimization (SEO).

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Getting more traffic is top of mind for any business owner, so the thought of mastering ecommerce SEO has probably crossed your mind once or twice. Consistent, high-quality traffic you don’t have to pay for? Sign me up.

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But the reverse is also happening, with more and more bloggers wanting to learn how to start a business as an extension of their blog. And it makes sense. One of the biggest challenges new businesses face is building an audience for their products.

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Nat Elison decided to test out his content marketing skills from running his own marketing agency by launching his own blog. As a longtime tea lover, Nat started Cup & Leaf to blog about all things tea.

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Your marketing strategy might involve a mix of emails, social media, advertising, events, and other tactics, but one mention in the press can multiply all those efforts tenfold, sending a surge of new customers your way, and even take your small business to the next level.

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Promotion is the secret of the most successful small businesses. Good products are the cost of entry, but promotion will bring you the money. Unfortunately, most owners overlook promoting their business.

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Felix: Today, I’m joined by Rob Hoxie from Tiege Hanley. Tiege Hanley provides uncomplicated skincare for men. It was started in 2016 and based out of Chicago. Welcome, Rob. Rob: Thank you.

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Influencer marketing has become the hot topic on many marketer’s lips, and when you think about the potential, it’s not hard to understand why.

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With the rise of the creator class—YouTubers, bloggers, and Instagram stars—influencer marketing has emerged as a new way for brands to reach their target customers through already-engaged and already-established audiences. So we know influencer marketing can have a big impact.

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