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Life can be funny and cruel sometimes. You might think you are going through your darkest hours when, in reality, you are growing a solid backbone that will support the rest of your life.
Personally I think it's about perseverance, but mostly with an emphasis on learning and growing. You iterate, you learn and you eventually build up a skillset that is hard to stop even if things don't go your way.It's not for everyone though. Bar is super high, risk is high, long work weeks with little balance are the entry ticket.
I thought that tenure and financial independence were the roads to freedom, which is what I really wanted
It’s important to think not in terms of success or failure, but in terms of philosophy and mistakes. If you’re focused on the outcome there isn’t much you can improve on, the reasons for failure are many. Mistakes on the other hand stem from flaws in your philosophy, which you can readily revise. In a lot of the cases presented here, the mistake that stands out is working with the wrong people.