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Learn how to split your LiveView Javascript pagewise with esbuild, so your main app.js file stays small and people only download and execute the javascript they require. #liveview #javascript #optimization
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subfont - npm
A command line tool to statically analyse your page in order to generate the most optimal web font subsets, then inject them into your page. Speed up your time to first meaningful paint by reducing the web font payload and critical path to the font files. #css #fonts #optimization #frontend #performance #pub
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Apollo's REST Data Source does a lot more than you'd think behind the scenes, and that's why it's recommended instead of using a wrapped HTTP library like Axios or Fetch in order to hook up data to your resolvers. #optimization #graphql #pub
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PostgreSQL does an amazing job populating query plans with useful information, but reading and understanding them can be tricky. #postgres #performance #optimization #pub
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