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muchelleb - YouTube

What!? "Hey! I’m Michelle. I create videos about self-compassionate productivity and behaviour change and build tools to help.

I share ideas, learnings and thoughts on topics like:

🌿 Getting things done in a way that’s a custom fit for your brain

🌿 Creating habits that you look forward to every day

🌿 Changing patterns of behaviour in a self-compassionate way

🌿 Rewiring your brain to create healthier patterns of thinking

🌿 How to make your life easier and generally have a better time living life.

I’ve been creating on the internet since age 12. Think drag-and-drop doll makers, glitter fill resources and glitter graphic websites. I was selling my glitter graphics on forums to grown adults in packs of 15 and making a cool $20 a month from Google Adsense 😎

A few things that make me happy are: big monstrous old trees, empty beaches, juice AND empty beaches, walks on nature trails with interesting friends, people with projects and semi-chaotic personalities, good vego ramen and picnics."

#intersectionality #women #productivity #genders #politics #@@K #self_compassion