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Liked on YouTube. | Title: The Crazies: The Most Realistic Start to the Apocalypse. | Description: Subscribe to help me reach 200K!

For a little while now, a lot of people have been asking me to cover this movie called “The Crazies.” I was told it was a movie right up my alley, I don’t really know how to take that, but I decided to give it a watch. Now I remember watching a bit of this movie back in the day, but stopped after a little while for some reason, and I always figured I got the gist of the movie. But boy, was I wrong.

0:00 - 0:58 - A CRAZY Movie

0:59 - 2:36 - Small Town Problems

2:37 - 4:42 - The Mystery Deepens

4:43 - 6:37 - Unraveling The Secrets

6:38 - 8:33 - Divine Intervention

8:34 - 11:59 - Twists, Misdirection, & The Plan

12:00 - 14:28 - Neighbor Turns on Neighbor

14:29 - 21:36 - The End?

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Late Night Driving - Broke In Summer. | Published at: April 24, 2024 at 04:00PM.

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