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#footprint #article #content #spinning #unique #blackhat #spam #SEO #steal #idea #inspiration #stepping #stone #pub
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#content #spinning #blackhat #steal #footprint #spam #blog #SEO #pub
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#steal #inspiration #framework #spamming #jamming #web #2.0 #automation #SEO #blackhat #pub
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This site is just scraping which always seems to be at the top of Google rankings for phone number searches #blackhat #automation #scraping #steal #content #web #2.0 #user #generated #pub
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Site is using a sort of trendyish in the independent blogger way design and scraping Superuser among others I assume. Got to sit through Google search. #blackhat #automation #steal #pub
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All about Middle School
pop-up came about from a porn site lol. It's a SFW normal spammy site about middle schools #spam #blackhat #steal #pub
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Site that is niche focused on business software, but is clearly a spam site. It has a blog on the frontpage (have to check to see if dupes copypasta content) and the specific pages for various business apps seem to be [badly] automated #blackhat #copy #different #niche #automated #spammy #pub
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Site is completely blackhat. But it's trying to appear web 2.0-ish and professional. External resource intensive with social desperation to the point of ridiculousness. A few Google ads. Automated sections with empty content. Sort of Mahalo-ish #spam #web #2.0 #blackhat #automated #mahalo #future #pub
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Interesting. First result on Google for "onyx mac" goes to this site. It does indeed link to the official site if you click the download link and doesn't try to trick you with malware of any sort. Only thing going for it is an ad or two. #blackhat #EMD #savvy #pub
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Seems like a spammy/blackhat blog comment spam footprint, but not sure if automated or not, heh. Props on pandering to Mac fanboys with the comment though :P #footprint #comment_spam #blackhat #SEO #link_building #pub
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Seems to copy posts from other big Apple/Mac sites. Has ads, including Google ads #blackhat #splog #content_scraping #footprint #duplicate_content #niche #pub
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Donate at least $1 and get access to ssh #blackhat #proxy #cheap #pub
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"Justin Morehouse has written a great post on how to use an Amazon EC2 instance as your proxy server with Sidestep. It's safer than the option below, but it will cost you just a tad bit more (though $0.50 per month is a fair price for your Internet security)." #ssh #proxy #aws #ec2 #server #unix #blackhat #pub
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