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Taskwarrior-web by theunraveler
A Sinatra-based web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application. Because being a neckbeard is only fun sometimes. The current featureset includes: - Viewing tasks (duh) sorted and grouped in various ways - Creating a new task with a due date, project, and tags - task-web will pull your task config (from .taskrc) and determine date formatting/marking upcoming tasks as "due" - gets dock badge showing number of pending tasks. - Optional Basic HTTP Auth protection #interesting #productivity #taskwarrior #cli #ruby #sinatra #http #code #opensource #github #pr0n #management #task #fun #pub
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mitmproxy - home
mitmproxy is an SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy. It provides a console interface that allows traffic flows to be inspected and edited on the fly. mitmdump is the command-line version of mitmproxy, with the same functionality but without the frills. Think tcpdump for HTTP. #geeky #web_development #sysadmin #http #badass #cli #pub
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"HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby’s most popular HTTP clients: - HTTPClient - Curb - Net::HTTP As of version 2, HTTPI supports EventMachine: - EM-HTTP-Request (also requires EM-Synchrony)" #ruby #gems #http #libraries #web_development #wrappers #pub
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HTTParty by jnunemaker
Requirements multi_json and multi_xml You like to party! #http_clients #http_requests #httparty #http #gems #ruby #party #~ #pub
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