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Productivity Toolset
#via:pins #freemium #SaaS #browsers #productivity_apps #productivity #dev
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Price: $96/year or $12/mo -- "We asked ourselves: if we were to build a browser optimized for productivity what would it look like? Better integration with work applications, a powerful global search, enterprise-level security, work automation, speed, and being able to juggle multiple accounts and projects we all work on. How is Sidekick different from Chrome? Sidekick is built on top of the latest version of Chrome and supports all Chrome features and extensions. However, as a browser focused on productivity, Sidekick adds: an application sidebar so you can access your most-used apps quickly the ability to search through all your documents and applications the ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously the ability to organise tabs by tab sessions for better focus and less tab clutter Why is Sidekick faster than Chrome? One of our design goals for Sidekick is to build the fastest browser, and thus we've made a number of improvements to speed up the loading of pages and memory usage. Learn more" #%product_hunt #freemium #power_users #alternatives #SaaS #trial #browsers #productivity_apps
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Does not seem good. Free tier is so limited. #pricey #seems_bad #SaaS #power_users #alternatives #freemium #trial #browsers #productivity_apps
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KeyStroke - solusHex
#productivity_procrastination #Safari #extensions #browsers #browser_extensions #keyboard_centric #pub
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#Safari #browser_extensions #status_bar #browsers #convenient #productivity_procrastination #pub
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Not just for porn. General gist and spirit of better search and discovery. Some good ideas for web research. #tools #search #@action #extensions #lists #resources #Firefox #browsers #search_engines #web #pub
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Jesse's Bookmarklets Site
"Bookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser" #resources #lists #search #@action #Firefox #search_engines #web #tools #browsers #extensions #bookmarklets #Javascript #geeky #pub
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"Another thing I like to do is serialize(save) the Watir::Browser object into a file using YAML, like so: require "yaml""browserObj.yaml", 'w').write YAML::dump(@browser) This browserObj.yaml file will then contain all sorts of internal details in easily readable/parseable text, including PID of whichever browser, path to temp profile, etc. Eg. profile_dir: /tmp/webdriver-rb-profilecopy20121201-1981-9o9t9a" #Watir #browsers #cookies #preferences #states #automation #data #pub
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"I finally have a solution! It appears that watir-webdriver stores the browser state/user data in random path. By default this can be found here (where XXXXXX is the random identifier): /private/var/folders/2v/vkd2v3vs5njf69m59nqzc16m0000gn/T/ Instead of relying on this default and randomized path, you can specify a precise location for the user data using the following flag: :chrome, :switches => %w[--user-data-dir=/path/to/user/data] Then the cache, cookies, etc. can be backed up, deleted, etc. using Ruby's standard library. Hopefully this helps someone else. Edit: If you are unable to find where watir-webdriver is storing your user data by default, find Chrome's process id by running watir-webdriver and top. Once you have the pid, type lsof -p into terminal to find the path to the user data." #Watir #browsers #states #preferences #cookies #automation #data #pub
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#cracked_apps #iMacros #web_automation #Windows #browser_extensions #browsers #full_browser_automation #pub
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"Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or 'Fluid App') out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into desktop apps."

New tag: barely_alive. Since this app isn't dead and gets minor updates once in a while.

_Specifically for Fluid's future, other SSBs like WebShell coming up and Atom/Electron, Webkit/Chrome able to spin off single sites (though not very well apparently) etc. And as they all get more stable, I assume Fluid will mostly die off. Doubt it'll get serious additions and stuff_ #SSBs #freemium #favs #apps #mac #web_apps #browser_based #browsers #paid #price:$5 #barely_alive #pub
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Home - Fluid Browser
#!TO_TAG_bit_more #paid #app_stores #mac #browsers #browser_based #price:$5 #price:$3 #pub
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Eh, I don't really need multiple sessions. That's the main feature it has. Allowing multiple sessions of the same site[s]. Besides that, it's just Chromium. #browsers #blink_based #chromium #unique_features_slightly #desktop_apps #cross_platform #%product_hunt #not_sure #pub
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Implementing Vimperator/Pentadactyl as a WebExtension. #Firefox #vim #extensions #%on_github #browsers #open_source #pub
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Insight Browser
#browsers #iOS_apps #extendable #addons #unique_features #power_users #toread #pub
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Insight Browser Beta
#iOS_apps #browsers #toread #pub
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