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Click checkboxes for [free] Windows or Linux software you want installed and then get a convenient bundled package to install with. The package/installer itself doesn't contain all the installers for all the software - it just has the metadata you requested. Once you load up Ninite's customized installer, it'll download the software from their respective sites [i think]. #Software #installer #convenient #idea #pub
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"Need to contact a company? Or have them call you? Get customer service faster and easier." _Never wait on hold for companies_ #free #service #convenient #SaaS #steal #linkbait #pub
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_Never wait on hold for companies_ #free #service #convenient #SaaS #steal #linkbait #pub
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"Hate waiting on hold? Then don't!" _Never wait on hold for companies_ #free #service #convenient #SaaS #steal #linkbait #app #iOS #android #mobile #pub
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#Safari #browser_extensions #status_bar #browsers #convenient #productivity_procrastination #pub
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"What this gives you: Homebrew (OSX only) Ruby 2.1.0 latest patch level (installed to /usr/local/bin/ruby) or RVM running 2.1.0 latest patch level libs needed to run Rails (sqlite, mysql, etc) Bundler, Passenger, and Rails gems Git" #nix #linux #ruby #rails #web_servers #helpful #convenient #recipes #scripts #sysadmin #from #delicious #pub
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