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"Notforest is a simple tool that strips away all the distractions and filler on a webpage and leaves only the text you really want to read. Installing it is very easy, you simply drag the link below to your browser's bookmark toolbar or folder. Then, when you visit a webpage that is too cluttered, just click on your new bookmark for a cleaner" _Doesn't actually work very well_ #text_parsers #readability #bookmarklets #arrogance #simple #pub
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Jesse's Bookmarklets Site
"Bookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser" #resources #lists #search #@action #Firefox #search_engines #web #tools #browsers #extensions #bookmarklets #Javascript #geeky #pub
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"Great user interface CodeBox provides the best experience and user interface for managing snippets. Document architecture Each library in CodeBox is a document file, so you can separate all snippets by projects. Folders, Groups, Smart Groups CodeBox brings iTunes-like management for your code by using Groups and Folders. Sync over Cloud Save the library file into DropBox or FTP to open and reuse it on any other Mac. Expand code using abbreviations Define abbreviation@ in the asset name to active CodeBox Text Expander. Bookmarklet for Browsers Save the link Add to CodeBox into Bookmarks and create new snippets from browser selection. Over 100 syntaxes CodeBox uses TextMate syntaxes to highlight code snippets in any language. Use .tmThemes for highlighting The CodeBox code editor has full-featured support for TextMate color themes. Finder integration Drag & drop snippets, groups and folders between Finder and CodeBox. Support for Undo Forget about Trash, use Undo to rollback after any number of operations in the library. Multiple Assets Attach any number of informative assets like code license to any snippet. Web link Assets All URLs in the Notes field are clickable. In addition, you can create the web link Assets. Advanced snippet management Drag & drop snippets between groups and folders or between your libraries. New snippets from selection Drag & drop text selection, files and folders into the library to create new snippets." #code_managers #snippet_managers #Mac #apps #app_stores #paid #price:$10 #textmate #file_system #bookmarklets #pub
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#simple #life-hacks #web_tools #!Tabs #!TO_TAG_bit_more #linkbait #bookmarklets #ideas #pub
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#bookmarks #social_bookmarks #SaaS #web_2.0 #lists #APIs #bookmarklets #web_apps #might_discontinue #free #DOA #pub
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#annotations #code_intelligence #$AFMA #startups #interesting #unique_spin #bookmarklets #browser_extensions #chrome_extension #pub
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