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"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie" is the tagline. People don't appreciate how lucky and random life is. Hard work is important, no doubt, but almost all the students at Princeton would not be there if they were not born into privelege. #princeton #univeristy #michael #lewis #speech #luck #arrogance #randomness #humility #wise #words #perseverance #pub
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"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie" is the tagline. People don't appreciate how lucky and random life is. Hard work is important, no doubt, but almost all the students at Princeton would not be there if they were not born into privelege. #lewis #arrogance #randomness #speech #michael #princeton #humility #univeristy #words #wise #luck #perseverance #pub
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Guy says the routine bullshit that something like Basecamp, Backpack, & Highrise (as they were in 2006) could be duplicated in a few weekends with a bunch of open source people and released for free. And yet in 6+ years it has never happened. The closest to it, ActiveCollab went license only shortly after this post. Lulz. #arrogance #wrong #stupidity #blogger #2006 #37signals #open #source #pub
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"as it stands, right now seems to boil down to a group of predominantly affluent white men deciding What Is Good, w/everyone else invited to join in later (if they happen to agree & have some cash on hand). i get that this is no different from virtually any other silicon valley start-up, & “as a start-up”, i don’t think is super-compelling. what has my attention is the lofty goals part: if something is really going to be an ‘enlightened movement’, i think it has to start from being a lot more diverse & inclusive from the beginning. wants to be “what twitter could have been,” & i’m wondering what could have been (could still be?) if its early adopter userbase included a broader range of perspectives & ways of knowing." #tech #elitism #web #arrogance #pub

"In addition to market appeal based subtly and not-so-subtly on fleeing from the ‘Others,’ and on utopian rhetoric about fleeing from evil corporations (“Open. Free. Joy. Wonder. Peace. Perfection”), taps into the same neoliberal self-interest on which all privatization ventures depend. Much of the enthusiasm I’ve seen in my own Twitter feed has been from people who are angry about being “the product,” but if there’s a harm to being the product (such that would motivate those who can pay to join a different social networking site to do so), shouldn’t we maybe address that harm directly and collectively?" "Buying our way out of personal exposure to a problem doesn’t address the problem itself, and it still leaves those who can’t afford to buy their way out exposed." #tech #elitism #bullshit #argument #poignant #pub
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"Notforest is a simple tool that strips away all the distractions and filler on a webpage and leaves only the text you really want to read. Installing it is very easy, you simply drag the link below to your browser's bookmark toolbar or folder. Then, when you visit a webpage that is too cluttered, just click on your new bookmark for a cleaner" _Doesn't actually work very well_ #text_parsers #readability #bookmarklets #arrogance #simple #pub
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