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"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie" is the tagline. People don't appreciate how lucky and random life is. Hard work is important, no doubt, but almost all the students at Princeton would not be there if they were not born into privelege. #princeton #univeristy #michael #lewis #speech #luck #arrogance #randomness #humility #wise #words #perseverance #pub
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"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie" is the tagline. People don't appreciate how lucky and random life is. Hard work is important, no doubt, but almost all the students at Princeton would not be there if they were not born into privelege. #lewis #arrogance #randomness #speech #michael #princeton #humility #univeristy #words #wise #luck #perseverance #pub
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Need to just get down -- persist -- make -- ship #real #artists #ship #makers #work #development #grit #perseverance #pub
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