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"Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or 'Fluid App') out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into desktop apps."

New tag: barely_alive. Since this app isn't dead and gets minor updates once in a while.

_Specifically for Fluid's future, other SSBs like WebShell coming up and Atom/Electron, Webkit/Chrome able to spin off single sites (though not very well apparently) etc. And as they all get more stable, I assume Fluid will mostly die off. Doubt it'll get serious additions and stuff_ #SSBs #freemium #favs #apps #mac #web_apps #browser_based #browsers #paid #price:$5 #barely_alive #pub
Show More #from:DONote #from:Note3 #from:phablet #_add-focus #bulk_browser_tabs #_inbox #SSBs #open_source #mac #web_apps #osx_10.11_or_above #pub
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Get quick access to any web app from the dock, app switcher and Spotlight. #mac_apps #web_app_wrappers #SSBs #paid #single_site_browsers #price:$20 #trial #freemium #pub
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