Public Notes
Why they are Community's most interesting relationship - YouTube
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Why they are Community's most interesting relationship. | Description: Thank you for watching. #sixseasonsandamovie Community is one of the best and funniest tv show sitcoms to watch on Netflix. Abed Nadir and Jeff Winger are two of the funny and best characters and the way Dan Harmon and the writers of this show at Greendale Community College write their relationship is incredibly interesting and amazing. This video essay is a breakdown and deep dive into their friendship. (Thanks for enduring my keyword-stuffed description) Music by Blue Wednesday, Epidemic Sound, Eric Godlow Beats, and Somnium with permission. Footage from NBC and Yahoo TV, all rights to them. #community #abed #jeffwinger #greendale #danharmon #videoessay #netflix #tvshow #writing. | Published at: June 17, 2022 at 02:36PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
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There’s no way to contest or respond to an erroneous review. There’s not even a ... | Hacker News
Small Hacker News thread talking about one of the many problems with all current popular user review products. The issue here is no way to contest incorrect reviews, either through disingenuity or out of stupiditiy
#a #user #reviews #project #flaw #future #interesting #fix #ratings #issue #app #store #amazon #netflix #imdb #pub
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Showgoers - Showgoers
"A chrome extension to watch netflix with your friends or lovers over long distance"
#netflix #syncing #unique_spin #ideas #personal #cool #@let_people_know #@Lme #pub
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Why Adam Sandler is making four films with Netflix - The Verge
"The company plans to spend $3 billion on content for its service in the next year, presumably to take on Hollywood."
So that's 2015
#netflix #boss #ballers #revenue #money #pub
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Netflix's Most Expensive Show Is Not At All What You'd Expect - CINEMABLEND
The Walt Disney Company to Acquire Majority Ownership of BAMTech - The Walt Disney Company
Disney will own 75% of BAMtech for a total of $2.58B invested. They first invested $1B for 1/3. Now $1.58B for another 42%. So BAMtech is valued at $3.44B total.
#streaming #netflix #alternatives #competitors #stocks #news #stock_market #media #disney #espn #press_releases #pub
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AT&T's Doomed Plans to Turn HBO Into Netflix - The Atlantic
#att #Time_Warner #hbo #netflix #news #media_companies #media #pub
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