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The OpenPhoto Project
"A photo application that lets you store your photos on Dropbox, Amazon S3 or in your garage" _Hoping for this to be competitive with Flickr, Smugmug, and Picasa/Google Plus Images._ #open_source #photos #images #S3 #API #self-hosting #startups #free #burgeoning #pub
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"Docker is an open-source project to easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more. " #bootstrap_layout #PaaS #open_sourced #self-hosting #devops #web_development #sysadmin #containers #pub
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"Zimbra is trusted by over 500 million users to increase productivity with a complete set of collaboration tools while maintaining total control over security and privacy."

Yahoo bought them, right? #enterprise-ish #subsidiaries #enterprise #open_source #self-hosting #!TO_TAG #pub
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time to start using this. not exactly sure how id go about this as i need multiple terabytes of space. unless i only archive paywall stuff if that is possible? #@TODO #@todo_2021_03 #BASB #archiving #integrations #self-hosting #open_source #%on_github #pub
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