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Uber alternative competitor. Billions in funding. In all South Asia and South East Asia countries except the brown countries. In 2017, they are getting another $2B or $2.5B. All or most from Didi Chuxing and SoftBank. They already had $1.5B raised ($1B already being from SoftBank Capital). #uber #alternatives #startups #funded #unicorns #asian #south_asian #ride_sharing #pub
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Just to piss @@Soma off. Spite. #smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:one #WWP #profiles #spite #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #profiles #DC #$kippt_bookmark_lists #@@Soma #@@luugs #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #DC #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #profiles #DC #$kippt_bookmark_lists #@@Soma #@@luugs #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #profiles #DC #$kippt_bookmark_lists #@@Soma #@@luugs #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #profiles #DC #$kippt_bookmark_lists #@@Soma #@@luugs #pub
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#smart_girls #south_asian #girls #cute_girls #degree:three #profiles #DC #$kippt_bookmark_lists #@@Soma #@@luugs #pub
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