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Liam Stacey wrote vile things. But do you know why he went to jail? "All the TV and newspaper reporters, columnists and opiners quoted his first tweet ("LOL f*** Muamba. He's dead. #Haha" – Stacey didn't use asterisks) and referred vaguely to "racist tweets" after that. But what were they? Did the reporters know but choose delicately not to repeat them? Or did they not know? Do the columnists who applaud the sentence know? Or have they – as I suspect – just seen the bowdlerised media, like the rest of us, and are satisfied with the hazy summary? What terrifies me is that people are nodding happily all over the country, pleased to see a clampdown on internet trolling at last...Anyone who's pleased to see a person jailed for a piece of writing, without bothering to seek out the precise words that were deemed illegal, should be ashamed of themselves." #liam #stacey #news #stupidity #lemmings #sheeple #media #democracy #politics #troll #outrage #blind #web #social #twitter #vulgar #uk #pub
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