Public Notes
Asana for iOS | AsanaApp
Has some subtask support
#Asana #third_party #unofficial #iOS #apps #free #project_management #mobile #pub
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AirServer - The Most Advanced AirPlay Receiver for Mac and PC
AirServer is the world’s most advanced AirPlay receiver for Mac and PC. It allows your computer to receive and display AirPlay streams from your iOS device, or mirroring-enabled computer. Using AirServer, you can wirelessly share your iPad or iPhone display to your computer, and from there, to your projector, smartboard or HDTV.
#windows #airplay #apps #third_party #paid #mac #cross-platform #desktop_apps #pub
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AirParrot 2 | Mirror & stream content from your Mac, PC or Chromebook to Apple TV, Chromecast & more.
Mirror and stream from Windows computers, Macs or Chromebooks to Apple TV, AirPlay-enabled speakers, Chromecast and more. Connect your computer to any TV or computer and stream movies, photos or music without wires!
#windows #airplay #apps #third_party #paid #mac #cross-platform #chrome_os #desktop_apps #pub
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Pinner for Pinboard
#pinboard #mobile_apps #paid #price:$5 #android_apps #iOS_apps #integrations #third_party #searching #abandonware #home_page #i_paid #%i_legit_use_this #pub
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Pinswift — the fast and powerful Pinboard client
The only updates for past 2-3 years are compatibility updates for new IOS versions. The home page still shows it's ready for iOS 8 (will be on iOS 12 soon)
#pinboard #iOS_apps #paid #price:$5 #integrations #third_party #searching #abandonware #home_page #pub
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Simplepin for Pinboard
#pinboard #iOS_apps #free #integrations #third_party #searching #home_page #pub
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Pushpin | Lionheart Software
#pinboard #iOS_apps #paid #price:$5 #integrations #third_party #searching #abandonware #home_page #i_paid #%i_legit_use_this #pub
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