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Founded in 2020, AYANEO is a revolutionary brand for portable gaming consoles. Our team consists of passionate gamers and tech-savvy experts who want to provide gamers with the most advanced and up-to-date gaming experiences. We’ve developed a line of powerful and portable gaming handhelds, with the latest Windows operating system and the latest gaming technologies pre-installed. Our motto, “Real gamers know gamers,” reflects our commitment to creating a community of gamers around th...

#game #console #handheld #accessory #shopping

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Popup widget powered by Automizely Marketing #console #hardware #retro #game #shopping
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ANBERNIC Official Store has strong power to research by itself, intergrating R&D, production, sales, warehouse. Our various products have excellent reputation and product experience feedback among players all over the world. #console #hardware #retro #game #shopping
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GKD Mini is a another handheld game console with MIPS32 CPU after GKD350H , it come with a 3.5" OCA Laminate IPS Screen with 320 x 240 resolution. #game #console #retro #shopping
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A digital museum of video game levels #game #legacy #3d #map #console #nintendo #pub
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