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Pulumi's open source infrastructure as code SDK enables you to create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud, using your favorite languages.

#infrastructure #devops #declarative #development #terraform #aws #infrastructure-as-code

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The open source infrastructure as code tool.

#infrastructure-as-code #devops #deployment #automation #terraform

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Docker Swarm Rocks
Docker Swarm mode ideas and tools

#docker #swarm #collection #devops

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Cycle is the leading LowOps platform built to simplify containers, standardize infrastructure, and automate DevOps. Deploy to your own infrastructure.

#deployment #container #docker #devops

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Controlled, predictable, and safe software deployments with Octopus Deploy.

#deployment #cd #ci #devops #platform

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PostgreSQL in Great STYle, Battery-Included Free RDS Alternative! - Vonng/pigsty: PostgreSQL in Great STYle, Battery-Included Free RDS Alternative!

#postgresql #deployment #database #devops #self-hosted #cluster

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Nomad by HashiCorp
Nomad is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator for managing containers and non-containerized applications across on-prem and clouds at scale. #deployment #orchestration #container #devops
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Increase DevOps productivity and improve the way you debug your infrastructure. Try it for free! #document #collaboration #devops #debugging #report #post-mortem #incident
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Matt Rickard
Essays and other things. Mostly about startups. #people #blog #devops #kubernetes
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💻学习📝记录🔗分享 学无止境是永远前进的基础,跃然纸上是对知识的总结交代,与众分享则是实现价值的最好方式。 #people #blog #devops
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Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations. #orchestration #deployment #devops #container #kubernetes #alternative
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基于多云架构的一站式企业数字化平台,为企业提供 DevOps、微服务治理、多云管理以及快数据管理等云厂商无绑定的 IT 服务 #cloud-native #devops #ci #pub
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The container platform tailored for Kubernetes multi-cloud, datacenter, and edge management ⎈ 🖥 ☁️ - Stargazers · kubesphere/kubesphere #kubernetes #devops #platform #paas #cloud-native #pub
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