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享受技术带来的快乐~分布式系统/高并发处理/Golang/Python/Haskell/C/微服务/Android/安卓/Kotlin/软件工程/源码阅读与分析 #people #blog #programmer #python #server #c #go #pub
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Zinc Search engine. A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go. - prabhatsharma/zinc: Zinc Search engine. A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go. #go #search-engine #pub
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sso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services - buzzfeed/sso #sso #authentication #go #pub
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A minimal framework to build web apps; with handler chaining, middleware support; and most of all standard library compliant HTTP handlers(i.e. http.HandlerFunc). - bnkamalesh/webgo #go #http #server #pub
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a small home internet router completely written in Go - rtr7/router7 #go #router #system #pub
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Building powerful interactive prompts in Go, inspired by python-prompt-toolkit. - c-bata/go-prompt #go #cli #prompt #completion #pub
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🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (A project helps you build your own cloud in minutes) - cloudreve/Cloudreve #cloud #storage #object-storage #go #filesystem #self-hosted #pub
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A telegram bot for rss reader. 一个支持应用内阅读的 Telegram RSS Bot。 - indes/flowerss-bot: A telegram bot for rss reader. 一个支持应用内阅读的 Telegram RSS Bot。 #telegram #rss #bot #go #pub
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Minimalist, federated, self-hosted blogging platform. #writing #blogging #publishing #activitypub #fediverse #go #pub
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Struct-based argument parsing in Go. Contribute to alexflint/go-arg development by creating an account on GitHub. #go #library #argument #cli #flag #pub
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Simple, useful and opinionated config loader. Contribute to cristalhq/aconfig development by creating an account on GitHub. #go #configuration #config #library #pub
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Neovim GUI written in Golang, using a Golang qt backend - akiyosi/goneovim: Neovim GUI written in Golang, using a Golang qt backend #nvim #gui #qt #go #pub
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Standard Go Project Layout. Contribute to golang-standards/project-layout development by creating an account on GitHub. #go #guide #standard #pub
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An HTTP API client for the terminal. Contribute to jonaslu/ain development by creating an account on GitHub. #http #client #go #template #pub
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📊 A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics - muety/wakapi: 📊 A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics #wakatime #self-hosted #api #go #time-tracking #pub
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Web安全能力研发最强语言 #security #framework #go #language #pub
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Ebiten is an open source game library for the Go programming language. Ebiten's simple API allows you to quickly and easily develop 2D games that can be deployed across multiple platforms. #game #go #2d #engine #pub
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⚙️ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules. - JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown: ⚙️ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules. #go #html #markdown #library #pub
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mitmproxy implemented with golang. 用 Golang 实现的中间人攻击(Man-in-the-middle),解析、监测、篡改 HTTP/HTTPS 流量。 - go-mitmproxy/ at main · lqqyt2423/go-mitmproxy #go #mitm #proxy #pub
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🤖 A simple bot to translate JSON HTTP requests into Telegram push messages - muety/telepush: 🤖 A simple bot to translate JSON HTTP requests into Telegram push messages #telegram #go #api #push #pub
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A modern text indexing library for go. Contribute to blevesearch/bleve development by creating an account on GitHub. #search-engine #go #pub
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