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Transform your content into type-safe data collections - sdorra/content-collections

#static-site-generator #content #typing #typescript #library #cms #api

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Make beautiful websites with Next.js & MDX.

#static-site-generator #documentation #nextjs

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Transform a static website into professional and dynamic one with ground-breaking video embedding.

#static-site-generator #cms #video #embedding

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Minimal Documentation Framework, powered by React + Vite. - wevm/vocs: Minimal Documentation Framework, powered by React + Vite.

#static-site-generator #documentation #typescript #react #vite

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Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

#static-site-generator #scientific #markdown #jupyter

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BlogiNote is a Nuxt Content Theme, it can generate static website to show your blog posts and notes with flexible layouts and multiple optimizations. - Benbinbin/BlogiNote: BlogiNote is a Nuxt Content Theme, it can generate static website to show your blog posts and notes with flexible layouts and multiple optimizations.

#static-site-generator #vuejs #markdown #digital-garden

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Build the documentation you've always wanted. Beautiful out of the box, easy to maintain, and optimized for user engagement. #documentation #docs #hosting #ai #chat #static-site-generator
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📝 Vite & MDX powered static site generator. Base on islands architecture - sanyuan0704/island.js: 📝 Vite & MDX powered static site generator. Base on islands architecture #static-site-generator #react #vite
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Discovery is a place where you can learn everything you need to know about the modern-day web development tools you need to build the web of tomorrow. #tech #stack #collection #cms #static-site-generator #database #comparison
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tiny static site generator w/ rss. Contribute to donuts-are-good/bearclaw development by creating an account on GitHub. #static-site-generator #blogging #go
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Static low-bandwidth search at scale. Contribute to CloudCannon/pagefind development by creating an account on GitHub. #search-engine #static-site-generator #static-blog #rust #javascript
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🔍 Tiny, full-text search engine for static websites built with Rust and Wasm - tinysearch/tinysearch: 🔍 Tiny, full-text search engine for static websites built with Rust and Wasm #search-engine #rust #static-site-generator #wasm
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A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel. - craigary/nobelium: A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel. #notion #blog #static-site-generator #nextjs
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Pull content from anywhere and serve it fast with Astro's next-gen island architecture. Astro is the web framework that you'll enjoy using. #static-site-generator #web #framework #nodejs #javascript
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An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. - GitHub - metalsmith/metalsmith: An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. #static-site-generator #nodejs
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I unfortunately have not had nearly as much time to dedicate to this project as I would like recently. When I first started volunteering as a maintainer, I was a college student with a lot more time on my hands. Since starting my career ... #blog #comment #static-site-generator #git
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Welcomments helps you build lightweight, fast, and SEO-friendly comment sections for your site. It works with Jekyll and Hugo, and lets you store your comments in your GitHub repository alongside your articles. The comments will be rendered as 100% static HTML. #blog #comment #static-site-generator #git
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🏄‍ A static blog generator built with Python. Contribute to AlanDecode/Maverick development by creating an account on GitHub. #python #static-site-generator
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A Markdown-based authoring system. Contribute to markdoc/markdoc development by creating an account on GitHub. #markdown #javascript #syntax #static-site-generator #react
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The Next.js Static Site Generator. Contribute to shuding/nextra development by creating an account on GitHub. #nextjs #static-site-generator #pub
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📖 Documentation Generator of React Component. Contribute to umijs/dumi development by creating an account on GitHub. #static-site-generator #documentation #pub
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