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#law #search

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SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. - searxng/searxng

#anonymous #search-engine #search #self-hosted

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Free CT Log Certificate Search Tool from Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA)

#domain #certificate #search #fingerprint

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Build the best Discord support server with Answer Overflow. Index your content into Google, answer questions with AI, and gain insights into your community.

#discord #answer #search

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Devv - 面向程序员的新一代 AI 搜索引擎。支持快速、精准地找到编程解决方案,提升开发效率。

#ai #search #search-engine #gpt

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Kimi 是一个有着超大“内存”的智能助手,可以一口气读完二十万字的小说,还会上网冲浪,快来跟他聊聊吧 | Kimi Chat - Moonshot AI 出品的智能助手

#ai #chat #search #file #pdf

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A bot to provide versatile Chinese optimized searching for telegram chats. 通过 bot 来给 Telegram 提供针对中文优化的搜索。 - SharzyL/tg_searcher: A bot to provide versatile Chinese optimized searching for telegram chats. 通过 bot 来给 Telegram 提供针对中文优化的搜索。

#telegram #bot #search

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Developing game changing tools for Taobao/Weidian and shopping agents, since 2017. Transparent & free. Top items list and shipping calculator. #taobao #shopping #search #ranking
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Finbar — Roey Biran
Supercharged menu bar search #macos #menubar #search
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Maker & Problem Solver #macos #app #search #ocr #screenshot
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Reletter's database gives you access to subscriber numbers, newsletter data and contact info to help you get featured on the right email newsletters. #email #newsletter #search
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Shokichan is a secretary bot managing your fragments of inspiration. #telegram #channel #sync #search
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ProxyGalaxy http://22awq6kuwsj2w3ccidbntbpzxoy7etopowegw6qx5rgutxshud42wvyd.onion #torrent #magnet #search
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grab your ideas,found the best domain name #domain #ai #search
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Free tiktok web viewer where you can easily browse users, videos, hashtags and music #tiktok #video #search
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