Public Notes
Teach and earn by writing interactive stories. Online courses don’t have to be video playlists!
#interactive #course #builder #tool
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Busy Beavers! | TigYog
What can computers do? What are the limits of mathematics? And just how busy can a busy beaver be? In this course, you and I will take a practical and modern approach to answering these questions — or at least learning why some questions are unanswerable!
#computer-science #learning #course #introduction #interactive
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络黑 LuoHei Variable
sqlite3 fiddle
Make your dev docs magically interactive with 3 lines of code ✨ - devbookhq/sdk: Make your dev docs magically interactive with 3 lines of code ✨
#documentation #sdk #interactive #code #integration
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Drag and drop page builder and CMS for React, Vue, Angular, and more - GitHub - BuilderIO/builder: Drag and drop page builder and CMS for React, Vue, Angular, and more
#react #web #builder #interactive #cms
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Explore DOM Events 👩🔬
A visualizer to help you learn how the DOM Event system works through exploration. Explore event phases, stopping events, canceling events, passive events and more.
#javascript #dom #event #learning #interactive #visual
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Aspect — Build UI, fast
Web site created using create-react-app
#react #gui #builder #interactive #component #visualization
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TouchType Tool
SQLBolt - Learn SQL - Introduction to SQL
介绍 | Learning Music (Beta)
#music #learning #course #interactive #best #pub
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FlutterFlow | Build Native Apps Visually
FlutterFlow lets you build mobile apps unbelievably fast in your browser. Integrate with Firebase, use 3rd party services, and deploy your app straight to the app store.
#flutter #prototyping #development #interactive #visual #pub
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Plasmic - The headless page builder for your codebase
Plasmic is a visual, no-code page builder and CMS for any website or codebase. Use your existing code components. Empower the whole team to ship incredibly fast.
#website #builder #interactive #headless #jamstack #pub
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A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox. - codesandbox/sandpack: A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox.
#editor #code #interactive #preview #documentation #pub
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ncase/joy: make happy little programs
make happy little programs. Contribute to ncase/joy development by creating an account on GitHub.
#javascript #canvas #drawing #interactive #animation #pub
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